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hpr2962 :: Bespoke bike building

Brian in Ohio continues his bike building project

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Hosted by Brian in Ohio on Tuesday, 2019-12-10 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
bicycle, recumbent, recycle. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:24:34
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Bicycle Hacking.

Maintaining, enhancing and repairing bikes; also the creation of new bikes from recycled ones.


(The images below may be clicked to view the full-sized versions)

Mocking up parts
mocking up parts to see spacing, especially the crankset

Laying out fishmouths
laying out ‘fishmouth’ cut, used to connect two tubes

Cutting fishmouths
lay out fishmouth

Cutting fishmouths
another layout picture, note marks on tube

Cutting fishmouths
finished product

Cutting fishmouths
test fitting assembly one, the engine room

Brazing complete
brazing complete! assembly one done

Readying assembly
setting up assembly tube, gray tube slips inside the red tube

Removing tab
need to cut that small tab off, get to hear this in the recording

Jigging up
jigging up the frame, similar to john kulps set up, see hpr 1282

Still in the jig
still in the jig but all brazed up, top half of frame done!

More brazing to do
the next part will be modifiying the rear triangle and brazing it where i’m pointing to.


  • all in all, went better than expected, i’ll clean up those brazing joints after the bike is done and has been ridden for a while, before I paint it.
  • brazing isn’t as difficult as i thought it might be. give it a try its a cool hacker skill!


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Comment #1 posted on 2019-12-11 00:25:03 by petard

I really enjoyed this

Thanks very much for making and posting this. I massively enjoyed listening, even if nearly everything about it is and will be out of reach for me for the foreseeable future. (I'm a city creature and nothing resembling brazing is happening in any of my spaces any time soon.)

I listened to this on my phone with only the benefit of the title on the screen and not the show notes. And I have to say, I was fully expecting that "bespoke bike building" was referring to a bespoke building to house bikes, or a [bike shed](

Comment #2 posted on 2019-12-12 11:44:18 by Jon Kulp

Excellent progress

This is looking really good! I wish I'd known about the affordable torch you're using when I was building mine. I would definitely have bought one and probably sped up my completion b/c I kept having to wait for our metal shop to be open at a time I could go. It was especially nice to hear your reaction to learning how to braze weld because as a novice I went through the same series of emotions, kind of scared at first and completely stoked after a couple successful joints. It's very empowering to learn something like this, isn't it? Looking forward to the next episode.

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