hpr2951 :: A walk through my PifaceCAD Python code – Part 2
In this episode I cover some generic functions at the top of the code.
Hosted by MrX on Monday, 2019-11-25 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Podcasts, Linux, Command Line, Python, Raspberry Pi.
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Duration: 00:14:48
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A Little Bit of Python.
Initially based on the podcast "A Little Bit of Python", by Michael Foord, Andrew Kuchling, Steve Holden, Dr. Brett Cannon and Jesse Noller. https://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/weblog/arch_d7_2009_12_19.shtml#e1138
Now the series is open to all.
The script being discussed in this show is available for download with this show: cad-menu.py
def get_hpr_que():
Goto hacker public stats page and extract the number of days to next free slot turns on blinkstick LED with colour dependent on the number of days to next free slot in HPR queue prints number of days to next free slot to the display
def bstick_off():
Search for all attached blinksticks and turn them all offdef bstick_on(colour):
Turn blinkstick on and set led colour to string value stored in var colour. valid colours are, black, silver, gray, white, maroon, red, purple, fuchsia, green, lime, olive, yellow, navy, blue, teal, aquadef bstick_on_random():
Turn blinkstick on colour randomdef bstick_blink(colour):
Turn blinkstick on with supplied colour
def run_cmd(cmd):
Used to run an external linux commanddef get_my_ip():
Returns ip addressdef get_my_essid():
Returns wifi ESSIDdef get_my_wifi_strength():
Returns wifi signal strength as a percentagedef wait_for_ip():
Tries 10 times to get IP addressdef show_wifi_info():
Show WiFi information on display, shows essid on first line and both the wifi signal strength as a percentage and ip address on the second line.def custom_bitmaps():
Selection of custom bitmaps to use on LCD displayArticle in pifacecad documentation giving details about creating custom bitmaps on the pifacecad
https://piface.github.io/pifacecad/creating_custom_bitmaps.htmlThis tool referenced in the pifacecad documentation link above can help design custom bitmaps. Make sure you select 5x8
https://www.quinapalus.com/hd44780udg.htmldef writelongstring(longstring):
Writes a long string to the piface control and display LCD & scrolls it to the left until the last character appears on the right hand side of the screen
# Local Variables (for function writelongstring)
DisplaySize = 15
# Number of characters that can be displayed on 1 line of display
StepSize = 4
# Step size when scrolling message on display
ScrollSpeed = 0.55
# Adjusts scroll speed, delay in seconds between scrolls
Scroll = 0
# Default value for scroll, used when string is smaller than display size
def init_display():
# Setup LCD display for selected menu 0 (Podcasts), 1 (Audiobooks), 2 (System)def display_main_menu(event):
# Clear LCD & dsplays the appropriate main menu message