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hpr2946 :: Sunday at OggCamp Manchester 2019

Interviews and chat from the UK's largest FLOSS event.

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on Monday, 2019-11-18 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
OGGCamp, FSFE, Matrix, BlackEdge, mystorm, blackice, fswebcam, android, sshpass. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:56:18
Download the transcription and subtitles.


HPR Correspondents bring you Interviews from interesting people and projects

beni, Andrew Conway/mcnalu, Timttmy, and Dave at the HPR booth.

Michael from Electric Flap Jack Custom Built Guitars, and author of Fretboard Template Generator available on GitHub

Perspex template for carving the body and neck.

A work in progress.

Tools for making guitar, including the tool to round the frets.

And of course you need a guitar stand.

Fretboard Template Generator available on GitHub

Tai Kedzierski hanging out with "Grumpy" Mike Cook.

Mike produces electronic musical instruments for people with accessibility issues.

He also has a book called Arduino Music and Audio Projects to help you do this yourself.

At Drake Music we are leaders in music, disability and technology.
We are innovators, educators, curators and advocates. We believe everyone has the right to express themselves creatively through music. We use new technologies and ideas to open up access to music for all. Our vision is a world where disabled and non-disabled musicians work together as equals.

The bat base.

The Cattle Caster.

The Arduino Caster

The Open Rights Group.
Open Rights Group protects the digital rights of people in the UK including privacy and free speech online. We are funded by over 3,000 people like you.

Manchester Grey Hats

Manchester Grey Hats is a place for all those interested in hacking and cyber security to learn and share. We run capture the flags, workshops and perform/present security research.

We encourage all skill levels and those from all backgrounds. Are you an aspiring hacker or a developer thinking about security? Come along and learn. Presenting is open to all members, so if you have something you’d like to present but aren’t ready for the big conferences, get in touch.

Said best by The Mentor – “This is our world now… the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud”

Although we meet face to face once a month, MGH is mostly an online community. We encourage people to join us in person for workshops and events but if you can't, join us on Slack and our live stream.

An example of the of the locks that needed to be picked for the FlawCon Capture the Flag event.

How to hold the lock while you are picking it.


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