hpr2944 :: ONICS Basics Part 4: Network Flows and Connections
I try to add a bit more basic networking info while writing a quick script for Dave Morris
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command line networking.
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This series will try and explain the basics of networking to the listener as well as introduce more detailed topics.
- connection - a bi-directional communication channel between two programs over a network
- client - the initiator of a connection
- server - the receiver of the connection
- port - a common term for the address of a program or service on a given machine
- 5-tuple - the combination of protocol, client machine network address, client port, server machine network address, server port that uniquely identifies a connection
- flow - a grouping of packets to be treated in a common way
- microflow - a flow with a fine level of granularity such as the packets from one direction of traffic in a connection
The topflow.sh Script
# Start a capture in the background that drops the packets
# and just reports the flow events
pktin $1 | nftrk -d -f /tmp/flows.txt &
# On CTRL-C clean kill the capture and clean up
trap "kill $PID ; rm -f /tmp/flows.txt /tmp/topflows.txt /tmp/namecache.txt ; exit 0" INT TERM
# Once per second do
# look at the last 100 flows
# sort them by 5-tuple
# remove duplicates
# convert ports, protocols and addresses to names
# sort by data usage per flow in reverse order (highest first)
# a little more pretty printing
# only take the top 20 lines
# clear the screen and print the result
while [ 1 ] ; do
tail -100 /tmp/flows.txt |
sort -s -t '|' -k 3,3 |
awk -f uniqflows.awk |
awk -f prflow.awk |
sort -s -t ',' -k 3 -r |
awk -f columns.awk |
head -20 > /tmp/topflows.txt
cat /tmp/topflows.txt
sleep 1
You can find the complete code at: https://gitlab.com/onics/onics-examples