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hpr2911 :: my internet connection

a bloviated harang with a smattering of spewed expetives, while describing available ISPs

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Hosted by Jezra on Monday, 2019-09-30 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
internet service, satellite. 1.

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Duration: 00:10:55
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Any notes for this episode should probably contain links to the ISPs mentioned in the show. Since I do not wish to harm any listeners, I have opted to not include links to evil ISPs.


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Comment #1 posted on 2019-10-05 20:58:37 by Beeza

HPR 2911

Hi Jezra.

I use a Wireless ISP in Shropshire, a rural county in England. The signal is bounced between relays mounted on the hilltops and beamed down to villages and farms below. The "line of sight" problem is resolved by having a few low power sub-relays positioned around the area at lower elevations. For example, I cannot see my nearest relay from the roof of my house, but a grain silo on the farm next door can, so I take my signal from a sub-relay mounted on top of the silo. It works great and, since the ISP is only a small company it must be quite cheap too.

Perhaps one of the WISPs in your area could be persuaded to look into this approach to expand their customer base.

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