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hpr2876 :: Sausage Orzotto

A favorite recipe, dictated while it is cooked.

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Thumbnail of Windigo
Hosted by Windigo on Monday, 2019-08-12 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
food, cooking. 3.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:42:23
Download the transcription and subtitles.


This recipe has been heavily adapted from one I received from Hello Fresh - credit where credit's due!


  • 1 lb (500g) Sausage (chicken or pork works)
  • 1 ½ cups (192g) Orzo
  • 2 tbsp (40g) Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Zucchini
  • Shallot
  • 1 - 2 tbsp (20-40g) Italian Seasoning
  • Pepper
  • 2 cups (475ml) water
  • 1 tsp (4g) stock concentrate
  • 16oz (450g?? One normal can, whatever that is) Crushed or diced tomatoes
  • 1 cup (226g) Mozzarella cheese (shredded)
  • Panko Breadcrumbs
  • Salt (Optional)
  1. Mince half the shallot (or all of it, I'm not the boss of you). Trim and shred the zucchini. Prepare a mixing bowl lined with a paper towel.
  2. Preheat oven to 500 F
  3. Drizzle some oil into a large oven-proof pan (if you've got one) and cook the sausage, with half the Italian seasoning, over medium heat, breaking it into bite-sized pieces as you cook it. Transfer to the mixing bowl for later.
  4. Add another drizzle of olive oil, and shred the zucchini into the pan. Add shallot, and cook until the zucchini shrinks to ⅔ of its size (about 5 minutes). Transfer to the mixing bowl with the sausage.
  5. Wipe out the pan with a paper towel. Melt 1 tbsp of butter over medium heat, and add orzo, stirring pretty frequently for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Stir in the rest of the Italian seasoning, along with the water, tomatoes, and stock concentrate. Bring to a boil and stir until orzo is done - around 12 - 14 minutes.
  7. Drain excess liquid from the zucchini and sausage.
  8. Mix sausage & zucchini into orzo mixture, with 1 tbsp of butter. Season with salt & pepper, if you want.
  9. If you don't have an oven-proof pan, you're going to want to transfer everything over to a large baking dish of some kind. 13x9" works for me.
  10. Cover the mixture in mozzarella cheese and panko breadcrumbs - in that order!
  11. Place dish in the oven for 2-3 minutes, until the breadcrumbs are toasted.

Note: If these metric measurements seem crazy, they probably are.


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Comment #1 posted on 2019-08-12 10:52:07 by Bookewyrmm


Many times if you know there is too much salt, (especially in soup) you can add a 1/2 of a peeled potato and it will absorb the salt. The potato can be either cooked and eaten or discarded.

Comment #2 posted on 2019-08-17 16:27:43 by Windigo

Re: Salt

Thanks Bookewyrmm, I will definitely give that a try!

Comment #3 posted on 2019-08-20 16:56:53 by Dave Morriss

Loved this. I was right there with you in the kitchen

Hi Windigo,

Great show. I loved the detail and the ambient sounds.

I was preparing a giant batch of ratatouille as I listened - for my kids who don't live with me, but for whom I make dinner two to three nights each week.

Hearing you taking the picture I dashed to the notes to look at it but ... nothing!!

Still, the meal sounded great.

Best wishes,

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