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hpr2827 :: Unscripted ramblings from my garage about my first CTF event

I briefly discss a CTF event I was invited to and what I plan to bring with me.

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Thumbnail of Christopher M. Hobbs
Hosted by Christopher M. Hobbs on Tuesday, 2019-06-04 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
ctf, hacking, security, infosec, events, conventions, gear. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:13:52
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Unscripted ramblings about an upcoming CTF event.

Hak5 items mentioned (

  • WiFi Pineapple
  • Bash Bunny (erroneously referred to as a ‘rabbit’)
  • USB Rubber Ducky
  • Packet Squirrel
  • LAN Turtle (unmentioned but I’ll bring one)

Software mentioned:

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Comment #1 posted on 2019-05-30 03:32:04 by Christopher M. Hobbs

event cancellation

Sadly, this event was cancelled before the show aired. There was serious flooding in the area. Luckily everybody is safe.

Comment #2 posted on 2019-06-04 07:06:59 by tuturto

sorry to hear about cancellation

Sorry to hear that the event got cancelled, it sounded really exciting. When you in the beginning were talking about capture the flag, I was under impression that it would be the kid's game, where you're trying to steal flag from opposing team. Only after you started talking about lockpicks and hacking it dawned to me what kind of capture the flag you're talking about here. Super interesting episode, I hope you can eventually make one about actual event (different one than cancelled of course).

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