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hpr2813 :: Should we dump the linux Desktop.

Knightwise wonders if we should let go of the linux desktop environments and focus on cross-platform

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Hosted by knightwise on Wednesday, 2019-05-15 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
linux, desktop, rant. 5.

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Duration: 00:20:29
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Knightwise wonders if we should let go of the linux desktop environments and focus on cross-platform applications instead. Please bring your torches and pitchforks.


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Comment #1 posted on 2019-05-15 06:44:53 by Yannick

Should we dump Windows?

Hi Knightwise. While for the most part I agree with your arguments about using cross platform applications, I think the title of this comment is as valid as the title of your episode : I can run Audacity on my linux desktop, I can run firefox and freemind and Visual Studio Code. So, my question is, should we dump Windows ?
And the answer is obviously "no", because both our questions are flawed. Should __I__ dump Windows ? Should __you__ dump linux desktop ? Now those are valid questions. I have personally made the choice to ban Windows from my house, because I can do everything __I__ need on a linux desktop. You said that you can't write documents or make presentation on Linux and that is a perfectly valid reason for __you__ to dump the linux desktop. But as a general rule, no, __we__ should not dump any desktop, be it macOS, Windows, Linux, or any of the exotic ones. As you said in this episode, it's all about choice.

Also, you mentioned OpenOffice in this episode. I really hope you meant LibreOffice. Because OpenOffice... well... need I say more ? By the way, LibreOffice runs on windows, mac, linux and android. Another great example of cross platform software.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts, and even though I don't agree with all of them, I appreciated your point of view.

Comment #2 posted on 2019-05-15 07:19:30 by Hipstre

Do We Need Linux?

There is a lot to agree on here. Thank you for the podcast! I certainly agree that the distro-obsessiveness is absurd, and there should be more of a focus on applications. And there is so much overlap and duplicated effort in every area of software in the Open Source world.

I tend to think that Microsoft's recent dalliance with "openness" is just a case of Embrace, Extend, Exterminate. Essentially, an attempt to get Computer Science students and Programmers to think of the Command Line, and Linux as an esoteric extension of Windows. But who knows what they are thinking.

Comment #3 posted on 2019-05-16 17:32:43 by DV

Response to knightwise

Knightwise, I respect your knownledge in computers. But I disagree on one point. You said something like, when you need to get things done, only windows and Mac can do it. Maybe so for you, butI can do many things in Linux at least for my needs. I've been using Linux for 21 years.

Comment #4 posted on 2019-05-17 10:45:17 by DeepGeek

Desktop is Dead

Love this cast and your own personal podcast off this network!

That being said, I wanted to say something again that I said in one of my podcasts, and that is that the desktop is dead. Not dead in the sense of no longer being developed, but the whole concept of the desktop is outmoded. For most people, they're day-to-day is their personal tablet and/or smartphone. I know many people who no longer would want a desktop or laptop. For me, my companies computer techs have such a bad system setup that most of the rank and file will use any phone app they can get on they're hands on in order to avoid using the shard desktop machines our company provides.

I love my personal desktop environment, and the lack of customization for windows and mac keeps me on linux. Every time I consider going back to windows I eventually end up wistfully checking the status of things like BB4Win and searching for alternative gui shells. If you care about your personal computing environment, you need linux. It's like this, in America a car enthusiast would probably want to be in California because California has a "car culture." If you want your environment to respond to what you think it should be for you, you have to do linux.


Comment #5 posted on 2019-05-17 12:32:17 by Snapdeus

Linux desktop

The Linux desktop gives up and coming sysadmins a playground to learn Linux - which they will need to know for server administration.

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