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hpr2798 :: Should Podcasters be Pirates ?

Knightwise waxes nostalgically on the early days of podcasting and wonders if we all sold out?

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Thumbnail of knightwise
Hosted by knightwise on Wednesday, 2019-04-24 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
podcast, pirate radio, decentralisation. 4.

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Duration: 00:12:05
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In a car rant I think back to the early days of podcasting and how the ambience and vision of podcasting was far from the mainstream media approach from today. Have we all sold out ?


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Comment #1 posted on 2019-04-24 08:28:23 by tuturto

Yarrr, record me episodes

Now that mandatory pirate speak has been done, I can comment. There's market for both kinds of podcasts, grassroots ones and more slick and commercial ones. Latter ones won't disappear as long as there's money to be made, so it's our task to keep the more grassroots style alive.

Comment #2 posted on 2019-04-27 21:17:22 by Dave Morriss

Memories of early podcasts and pirate radio

Hi Knightwise,

Interesting show. I started listening to podcasts in 2005 or thereabouts. I'd just bought our first family PC (Windows, yuk!), signed up to my first ISP, and had started looking for stuff to listen to. I bought my first MP3 player that year, an iRiver iFP-899, and was using Juice or similar as my podcatcher.

Yes, I listened to the Daily Sourcecode and to Dave Winer (originator of RSS). Some great times!

I also remember Pirate Radio from the 1960's. I was at school in Norfolk, in the east of England, and we all listened to Radio Caroline ( and Radio London ( from ships off the east coast. I'd listen to Veronica at times, but not a lot since it was in Dutch and the signal wasn't as good as I recall. Also good times though!

Thanks for the memories ;-)

Comment #3 posted on 2019-04-29 16:39:28 by DudeNamedBen

Da Podfather, Adam Curry

This is a great rant, Knightwise, but you don't spend any time talking about what Adam has been up to lately, which is EXACTLY the kind of podcast you are encouraging all of us to create and explore. From your handle, I assumed you were also a Knight of the No Agenda Roundtable, but you failed to even mention Adam's twice a week podcast done with the cranky geek himself John C. Dvorak. You need to hit more people in the mouth about the No Agenda Show (

Consider yourself clobbered, dude!

Comment #4 posted on 2019-05-07 02:58:21 by Klaatu

This is one of those episodes...

This is the kind of episode I'd love to have played on NPR or some de facto talk radio station. On the one hand, it's "preaching to the choir" here on HPR, but then again, the topic is actually bigger than just podcasting. Where have all the blogs gone? the little indie websites and fansites? The Internet in general is a lot more cookie-cutter now than I think it was ever meant to be. As Dave Morriss says in an earlier comment, it's up to us to keep grassroots alive.

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