hpr2786 :: My YouTube Channels
A short show about some of my YouTube channels inspired by Ahuka
Hosted by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212 on Monday, 2019-04-08 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Linux, Computers, YouTube, Gaming, Electronics, Audacity.
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Duration: 00:07:03
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YouTube Subscriptions.
Where the HPR community members share their YouTube Subscriptions
Hallo HPR listeners this is Tony Hughes again coming from Blackpool in the UK.
Recently Ahuka started a series on the YouTube channels that he subscribes to and this seems like a good topic to share some of my favourite YouTube channels. This time I’ll share some of the tech and Linux based channels I watch.
bigclive.com – Clive strips down and tests equipment particularly cheap Chinese electronics - https://www.youtube.com/user/bigclivedotcom/videos
Category5 Technology TV – A general technology based show with a large focus on Linux and open source software. https://www.youtube.com/user/category5tv
Explaining Computers – Exactly what it says on the tin, they review new computer hardware and computer related tech, including single board Computers such as the Raspberry Pi and Pine 64. https://www.youtube.com/user/explainingcomputers
DASGeek – Ryan is a fairly new person to Linux and is part of the Destination Linux podcast crew - https://destinationlinux.org/ Ryan is an avid gamer and as well as reviewing Linux he will often look at the latest games and how well they will work on a Linux PC. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIme1suHyN7cAGrTy8RBdhQ
Big Daddy Linux – A new video LUG which have a new episode every week at 8pm EST or you can watch a recording of the show later. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtZRKfyvx7GUEi-Lr7f4Nxg/videos
Raspberry Pi – Videos from the Foundation and community contributors. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIjVWFZ__KhtTXHDJ7vgng/videos
Free Audacity Tutorials – Very handy for those of us that regularly record and edit audio with Audacity, for learning more about how to do various things with this software. https://www.youtube.com/user/FreeAudacityTutorial/videos
And finally for this episode
- Linus Tech Tips – Another Computer review show all about tips and tricks relating to all stuff geeky. Be aware that this show is heavily sponsored although Linus does seem to be very fair with both praise and criticism for what he is reviewing. https://www.youtube.com/user/LinusTechTips/videos