hpr2783 :: The Windows "Shutdown.exe" Command Explained
A rundown of the Windows "shutdown.exe" command.
Hosted by Claudio Miranda on Wednesday, 2019-04-03 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
shutdown, windows, commandprompt, cmd.
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Duration: 00:15:23
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- Introduced in Windows 2000 as a way to shutdown the PC via the command prompt.
- Included in all versions since Windows 2000 all the way to Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019.
- ReactOS, the open source binary-compatible clone of Windows, also includes the shutdown.exe command and the commands are the same.
- Located in %windir%\System32. The variable %windir% is usually c:\windows. In ReactOS, the variable is usually c:\reactos (failed to mention this in the recording).