hpr2733 :: Writing Web Game in Haskell - News and Notifications
Tuula talks about the game they're writing in Haskell and convoluted news system they made.
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A series looking into the Haskell (programming language)
News and notifications are used in the game to let the players know something noteworthy has happened. It could be discovery of a new planet or construction project finally finishing.
All relevant information in the news is hyperlinked. If news mentions a planet, player can click the link and view current information of that planet.
Server interface
Server has three resources for news, although we’re concentrating only one here:
/api/message ApiMessageR GET POST
/api/message/#NewsId ApiMessageIdR DELETE
/api/icon ApiMessageIcons GET
First one is for retrieving all messages and posting a new one. Second one is for marking one read and third one is for retrieving all icons that players can attach to messages written by them.
Database is defined in /config/models file. For news, there’s only one table:
News json
content Text
factionId FactionId
date Int
dismissed Bool
deriving Show Read Eq
Content field contains the actual news article data as serialized JSON. This allows storing complex data, without having to have lots of columns or multiple tables.
Domain objects
There are many kinds of messages that players might see, but we’ll concentrate on one about discovering a new planet
All different kinds of articles are of same type: NewsArticle. Each different kind of article has their own value constructor (PlanetFound in this particular case). And each of those value constructors has single parameter of a specific type that holds information particular to that certain article (PlanetFoundNews in this case). Adding a new article means adding a new value constructor and record to hold the data.
data NewsArticle =
StarFound StarFoundNews
| PlanetFound PlanetFoundNews
| UserWritten UserWrittenNews
| DesignCreated DesignCreatedNews
| ConstructionFinished ConstructionFinishedNews
data PlanetFoundNews = PlanetFoundNews
{ planetFoundNewsPlanetName :: Text
, planetFoundNewsSystemName :: Text
, planetFoundNewsSystemId :: Key StarSystem
, planetFoundNewsPlanetId :: Key Planet
, planetFoundNewsDate :: Int
Given a News object, we can turn it into NewsArticle. These are much nicer to deal with that densely packed News that is stored in database:
parseNews :: News -> Maybe NewsArticle
parseNews =
decode . toLazyByteString . encodeUtf8Builder . newsContent
Because parsing arbitrary JSON might fail, we get Maybe NewsArticle, instead of NewsArticle. It is possible to write the same code in longer way:
parseNews news =
content = newsContent news
utf8Encoded = encodeUtf8Builder content
byteString = toLazyByteString utf8Encoded
decode byteString
Similarly there’s two other functions for dealing with Entities (primary key, data - pair really) and list of Entities. Note that parseNewsEntities filters out all News that it didn’t manage to turn into NewsArticle. They have following signatures:
parseNewsEntity :: Entity News -> (Key News, Maybe NewsArticle)
parseNewsEntities :: [Entity News] -> [(Key News, NewsArticle)]
Writing JSON encoding and decoding is tedious, template Haskell can help us here:
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''PlanetFoundNews)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''NewsArticle)
Turning Articles into JSON
News articles aren’t much use if they stay on the server, we need to send them to clients too. We can’t have multiple declarations of same typeclass for any type, so we declare complete new type and copy data there before turning it into JSON and sending to client (this is one way of doing this).
First step, define our types (concentrating on planet found news here):
data NewsArticleDto =
StarFoundDto StarFoundNewsDto
| PlanetFoundDto PlanetFoundNewsDto
| UserWrittenDto UserWrittenNewsDto
| DesignCreatedDto DesignCreatedNewsDto
| ConstructionFinishedDto ConstructionFinishedNewsDto
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data PlanetFoundNewsDto = PlanetFoundNewsDto
{ planetFoundNewsDtoPlanetName :: Text
, planetFoundNewsDtoSystemName :: Text
, planetFoundNewsDtoSystemId :: Key StarSystem
, planetFoundNewsDtoPlanetId :: Key Planet
, planetFoundNewsDtoDate :: Int
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
We need way to move data into dto and thus define a type class for that operation:
class (ToJSON d) => ToDto c d | c -> d where
toDto :: c -> d
For more information about functional dependencies, check following links: https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/glasgow_exts.html#extension-FunctionalDependencies and https://wiki.haskell.org/Functional_dependencies
Writing instances for our type class:
instance ToDto PlanetFoundNews PlanetFoundNewsDto where
toDto news =
PlanetFoundNewsDto { planetFoundNewsDtoPlanetName = planetFoundNewsPlanetName news
, planetFoundNewsDtoSystemName = planetFoundNewsSystemName news
, planetFoundNewsDtoSystemId = planetFoundNewsSystemId news
, planetFoundNewsDtoPlanetId = planetFoundNewsPlanetId news
, planetFoundNewsDtoDate = planetFoundNewsDate news
instance ToDto NewsArticle NewsArticleDto where
toDto news =
case news of
(StarFound x) -> StarFoundDto $ toDto x
(PlanetFound x) -> PlanetFoundDto $ toDto x
(UserWritten x) -> UserWrittenDto $ toDto x
(DesignCreated x) -> DesignCreatedDto $ toDto x
(ConstructionFinished x) -> ConstructionFinishedDto $ toDto x
Finally, we want to wrap our news into something that has all the common info (id and link to icon to show)
data NewsDto = NewsDto
{ newsDtoId :: Key News
, newsContents :: NewsArticleDto
, newsIcon :: Text
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
IconMapper knows how to turn NewsArticleDto (in this case) to corresponding link to the icon. Notice how our ToDto instance includes IconMapper in addition to Key and NewsArticle:
instance ToDto ((Key News, NewsArticle), (IconMapper NewsArticleDto)) NewsDto where
toDto ((nId, article), icons) =
content = toDto article
NewsDto { newsDtoId = nId
, newsContents = content
, newsIcon = runIconMapper icons content
Sideshow: IconMapper
IconMapper is a function that knows how to retrieve url to icon that matches the given parameter (for example NewsArticleDto in this case):
newtype IconMapper a =
IconMapper { runIconMapper :: a -> Text }
One possible implementation that knows how to deal with NewsArticleDto. We have two levels of hierarchicy here, because UserNewsDto has special rules for figuring out which icon to use:
iconMapper :: (Route App -> Text) -> IconMapper UserNewsIconDto -> IconMapper NewsArticleDto
iconMapper render userIconMapper =
IconMapper $ article ->
case article of
PlanetFoundDto _->
render $ StaticR images_news_planet_png
UserWrittenDto details ->
runIconMapper userIconMapper $ userWrittenNewsDtoIcon details
Back to JSON
I wrote ToJSON and FromJSON instances by hand, because I wanted full control on how the resulting JSON looks like. It’s possible to configure how template Haskell names fields for example, but I think that writing these out couple of times is good practice and makes sure that I understand what’s going on behind the scenes if I use template Haskell later.
instance ToJSON NewsDto where
toJSON (NewsDto { newsDtoId = nId
, newsContents = contents
, newsIcon = icon }) =
object [ "id" .= nId
, "contents" .= contents
, "tag" .= jsonTag contents
, "icon" .= icon
, "starDate" .= newsStarDate contents
instance ToJSON PlanetFoundNewsDto where
toJSON (PlanetFoundNewsDto { planetFoundNewsDtoPlanetName = pName
, planetFoundNewsDtoSystemId = sId
, planetFoundNewsDtoPlanetId = pId
, planetFoundNewsDtoSystemName = sName
}) =
object [ "planetName" .= pName
, "systemName" .= sName
, "planetId" .= pId
, "systemId" .= sId
Time to put it all together
Handler function authenticates user, check they’re member of a faction and then loads all the news:
getApiMessageR :: Handler Value
getApiMessageR = do
(_, _, fId) <- apiRequireFaction
loadAllMessages fId
Loading messages involves multiple steps:
- retrieve News from database
- correct faction, not dismissed, sort by date
- parse them into ( Key News, NewsArticle )
- get Url render function
- create mapper for user icons
- map all NewsArticles into ( NewsArticleDto, IconMapper )
- turn them into JSON and return that to client
loadAllMessages :: Key Faction -> HandlerFor App Value
loadAllMessages fId = do
loadedMessages <- runDB $ selectList [ NewsFactionId ==. fId
, NewsDismissed ==. False ] [ Desc NewsDate ]
let parsedMessages = parseNewsEntities loadedMessages
render <- getUrlRender
let userIcons = userNewsIconMapper render
return $ toJSON $ map (toDto . (flip (,) (iconMapper render userIcons))) parsedMessages