hpr2700 :: Episode 3000
We commemorate the 300 Today with a Techie and 2700 Hacker Public Radio shows
Hosted by Ken Fallon on Friday, 2018-12-07 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
TWaT, HPR, 3000.
(Be the first).
Listen in ogg,
or mp3 format. Play now:
Duration: 07:27:10
Download the transcription and
On the 19th of September 2005 a group of individuals got together to release their first show on the podcast network "Today with a Techie".
The idea was to share knowledge through podcasting. Now 13 years, 2 months, 19 days later the project is still going strong, and you dear listener are a part of it.
Today marks the 2700th episode of "Hacker Public Radio" and coupled with the 300 shows from "Today with a Techie", marks the 3000th episode of this project.
A big thanks goes out to all 354 individual hosts who together contributed 1452 hours of shows to the archive.
There is about 50 giga bytes of mp3 files alone.
Which played back to back gives 60 days 11 hours 40 minutes 21 seconds of continuous play.
If you started listening today and played the shows 24 x 7 you wouldn't be finished listening until Monday, February 5th, 2019.
Of course by then there would be 39 additional shows released, so you still wouldn't be finished.
Despite all this we still don't have a wikipedia page. If you can, please take the time to create one for us. There is plenty of supporting information in the "In the Press" section of our about page.
So to mark the 3000th episode we are going to do nothing more than list the shows, host and summary where available.
Just doing that alone creates a whopping 7 and a half hour episode.
Are you l33t enough to listen to it all ?
Let's go.