hpr2666 :: Slackware Post-Install
A quick and dirty guide to getting Slack up and running after it's installed.
Hosted by m1rr0r5h4d35 on Monday, 2018-10-22 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Slackware, Slackware post-install.
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Duration: 00:30:26
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This episode started out as just some thoughts on why I decided to move back to Slackware after having been away from it for a few years, and wound up being a short set of notes on the post install configuration of Slackware 14.2
This is by no means a definitive or exhaustive in its scope. It’s just a few thoughts and tips on the post-install process that might not be completely clear to a new user.
- Website - https://www.slackware.com/
- Slackware Install Guide - https://docs.slackware.com/slackware:install
- Slackware Post Install Beginner’s Guide - https://docs.slackware.com/slackware:beginners_guide
- Wikipedia Slackware Page - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slackware