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hpr2657 :: Why we are all going to shit in 30 years due to computers

Some thoughts about the increasing impact of automation

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Thumbnail of Jeroen Baten
Hosted by Jeroen Baten on Tuesday, 2018-10-09 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
prediction, post-capitalism. 3.

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Duration: 00:25:55
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Now, this is not a doom and gloom lecture.

Actually it is a talk about what is going to happen in the next 30 years.

It is a talk about what is called “postcapitalism”.

It is a talk about how almost all jobs are going to disappear due to automation. But also how we are going to think about this this and come up with solutions.

It talks about the three big challenges we need to face.

And yes, this involves you as well!


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Comment #1 posted on 2018-10-10 14:04:04 by Brian in Ohio

Mr Baten's shows

Do you have any ideas on how to solve these problems? I'll crawl under my rock now.

Comment #2 posted on 2018-10-14 20:53:24 by dodddummy

You keep putting out my shows before I do!

Here's another show I've recorded but didn't publish. I am in the process of editing this one though. You do a better job than I do, however. Perhaps I should sit back and revel in the fact that you're pulling my weight!

I enjoyed the show, and obviously agree. I'm still going to submit my episode; but will edit it touch on things you didn't.

I really do wonder if people can look at the rate of change in the rate of change and not think that it's accelerating and just about everything that looks too pitiful now to take over our jobs, will continue in that state forever.

In my mind you only need to look at Boston Robotics. People were citing the fact that Atlas kept falling over as evidence that he'd never perform as well as humans. A couple short years later and he's performing feats similar to parkour.

Can we really not imagine how a couple of cycles of Moore's law's worth of improvement looks?

Comment #3 posted on 2018-10-19 09:10:39 by Denise

The podcast content

Its an interesting topic you bring up. personally I am appalled by scarecrow tactics. I'd like to offer a different view. There is lots wrong with capitalism. First thing is that capitalists believe their system is the only answer. The hangover after our last industrial revolution gave us shorter working days, safety rules and employee rights at work. Currently there is lots of demand out there for sabbaticals or people taking a break. so hell yeah, give me a robot who does my job so I can recover from stress, spend time with my children or travel, do volunteer work. Why do we doubt Basic income? currently those breaks are only available for the rich or singles or childless. Have you seen a happy cashier? Have you heard a mine worker shouting: yes - let's continue ruining my lung instead of giving me proper training so I can work in a solar panel farm. and for the doctors! I have met so many who were an utter waste of my time. yes, give me the Watson system. I had to retrain in my job 3 times over the last 6 years. it has been hard. it doesn't have to be! As you say, Robots give us an opportunity to focus on the things that matter in life. We dont have to run anymore all the time. Robots guarantee a basic level of productivity. We can find better and creative solutions to provide proper pay for people who work in the care. We can focus on figuring out why our society still struggles with all kinds of abuse, why we do not trust anyone, why we feel the need to destroy our beautiful world. we have a universe to explore and the complex systems in our world. and if there is the odd person not willing to work, then that's okay too. People have reasons! Capitalists only know the word more. When will you read all the books that keep accumulating on your bookshelf because you shouted MORE. There is no time because I have to be social, I have to take care of children, because I have to declare taxes, have to have that lawsuit with my neighbour, have to go to work, have to cl

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