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hpr2635 :: Running your own mainframe on Linux (for fun and profit)

This talk is about running your own mainframe on your own hardware.

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Thumbnail of Jeroen Baten
Hosted by Jeroen Baten on Friday, 2018-09-07 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
hercules, linux. 4.

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Duration: 00:55:21
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Yes, this talk is about running your own mainframe on your own hardware. Mainframes are old, yes, but they are still very much alive. New hardware is still being developed and there are a lot of fresh jobs in this area too. A lot of mainframes run COBOL workloads. COBOL is far from a dead language. It processes an estimated 85% of all business transactions, and 5 billion lines of new COBOL code are written every year. In this session the speaker will help you in take your first steps towards running your own mainframe. If you like then after this session you can continue to build your knowledge of mainframe systems using the links provided during the talk. Come on in and learn the basics of a completely different computer system! And it will take you less than an hour to do that!


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Comment #1 posted on 2018-09-01 09:07:10 by dodddummy

This is embarrassing

Enjoyed the show but given they fact I'm a long time hercules user and a grey beard mainframer I'm embarrassed I didn't do this show! Actually, I recorded this show more than once but thought it wouldn't make sense to someone new to the mainframe.

I think you handled that problem well. Maybe this will inspire me enough to create some mainframe shows.

I agree the moshix youtube channel is worth checking out for anyone interested in the mainframe.

Comment #2 posted on 2018-09-08 02:10:15 by Gavtres


Ohhh... this episode brought back pleasant memories when PCs were just “toys” made to run WordPerfect, Lotus123, Harvard Graphics and Attachmate Extra TN3270 emulator. Thanks for the ride.

Comment #3 posted on 2018-10-03 06:16:53 by Jan

Second Reading

Hi there,

i just listen a second time and say "Thanks for the effort made."

Comment #4 posted on 2018-12-22 04:03:21 by Klaatu

Best explanation of what a mainframe is

I've asked, I've skimmed wikipedia pages, but until you explained the isolation of the main CPU, with controllers for other tasks, I never understood exactly what a mainframe was. So thank you.

Also, thanks for the clear explanation of how to get started with this. I heard about the Open Mainframe project ( and kinda poked around there, but I think I'll give Hercules a go before Open Mainframe's Zowe.

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