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hpr2629 :: Thoughts on language learning part 3 - game/story mode.

I discuss some of my thoughts on how games might help in language learning.

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Hosted by dodddummy on Thursday, 2018-08-30 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
spoken language learning. 2.

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Duration: 00:26:04
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This is the last of 3 parts on my thoughts on language learning. This one introduces my thoughts on how games might be used in language learning. More or less the same concepts from the first two episodes only applied to game/story design.

NOTE: I’m not a game designer.

On the off chance this sounds interesting to you, hpr2620 and hpr2625 are the other two.


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Comment #1 posted on 2018-11-01 04:36:52 by Joel H.

Good ideas!

I just wanted to leave a quick comment about this show!
I think the ideas and theories you presented in this episode are very good. With the contents of this episode alone, I believe someone could make an excellent video game. You've done a good job at working out edge cases and small details to encourage learning.

A point-and-click game sounds OK, but I was wondering about what you think of these ideas in a first-person exploration game, something similar to "The Stanley Parable"?

Comment #2 posted on 2019-01-08 22:55:32 by dodddummy

The Stanley Parable

Joel H,
I just read your comment and looked at "The Stanley Parable". I think this would work just fine in a first person exploratory game. As I've thought it about this and games more, I can't think of a game type this wouldn't work in, actually.

First person mode would be interesting in the thoughts could switch from initially being in the native language but switching to the new language as progress is made. That's sort of the ideal situation I suppose in general. If you can think in the new language I suppose you've won.

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