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hpr2625 :: My thoughts on language learning communication applications.

I discuss some of my thoughts regarding using chat programs in language learning

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Hosted by dodddummy on Friday, 2018-08-24 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-0 license.
spoken language learning. 2.

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Duration: 00:16:20
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This is the second in the series of my thoughts on language learning. In this episode I talk about it might be useful to modify existing chat programs to use two spell checking databases, one for the native language and one for the new language and have words removed from the native language dictionary as the learner advances.

I did forget to mention that something similar might be done with the grammar checkers, too.


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Comment #1 posted on 2018-09-20 06:30:22 by clacke

Accordion outro

Thank you MrX for that lovely accordion outro. Hadn't heard it before!

Comment #2 posted on 2018-09-20 06:45:00 by clacke

Interesting idea

I'm a tool person, so I really like the idea of using your tools to push yourself forward in your language learning. It's hard to say how it would turn out in practice, but I'm optimistic.

As you mention, mixing vocabulary in languages that have very different grammars could become a bit strange, but code-switching -- that is, jumping back and forth between languages - is common and frequent with bilingual people, and it frequently happens mid-sentence, so I guess that just shows that people are pretty good at making it work even in radically different languages.

The area where I live has mostly Chinese Hongkongers, but many of them speak a lot of English in the office and at home, and it's pretty fun to listen to the kids on the playground and in the playroom talk to each other -- it's a real soup of Cantonese and English.

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