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hpr2589 :: Saving Money: a response to Klaatu's Personal Finance Series

A response to Klaatu's very nice series about personal finance.

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Thumbnail of Jon Kulp
Hosted by Jon Kulp on Thursday, 2018-07-05 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
personal finance, money, saving, retirement. 2.

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Duration: 00:14:27
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Comment #1 posted on 2018-07-08 23:21:36 by Klaatu

Thanks for furthering this discussion

You make some really great points. Thanks for taking this discussion farther. I'd be interested in hearing about more people's experiences with saving money, too, because I don't think there is just one right answer (or, arguably, the obligation or ability to save at all, if somebody wants to argue those points). The morality is interesting to me, too. It seems like the only way to "grow" money requires either contributing to something one doesn't actually want to support, or else taking advantage of others.

Basically, this is a huge topic and it's one that is getting more interesting the more I hear other people talk about it.

Comment #2 posted on 2018-07-10 00:50:17 by jonkulp

The Suburban Option

Thanks for the comment, Klaatu. I'd like to hear more discussion about this, too, especially any arguments about whether saving money is really necessary or not. I have at least one colleague at work who rides his bike 4.5 miles each way (and has for the last 20 some years), and he says that he does not save for retirement because his retirement plan is to get hit by a Suburban on the road. I think he's only half kidding.

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