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hpr2583 :: Random Rant

Rant on how US sound recordings copyright laws are weird & how I miss Juiced Penguin

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Hosted by TheDUDE on Wednesday, 2018-06-27 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Juiced Penguin, copyright, public domain. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:15:17
Download the transcription and subtitles.




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Comment #1 posted on 2018-07-01 14:00:46 by RandyNose AKA TheNose100

The Juiced Penguin

John, how weird that I pick a random podcast to out of the lineup to listen to and find this one on feedly. I didn't even see the Juiced Penguin in the title this morning when I started listening. Heck, it's not even something that I think about these days.

The Juiced Penguin was an idea that I had, and knew that I couldn't pull it off alone. - The Late Great Lord "D" assisted me with the original effort. It took a lot of time to find the music, and Klaatu assisted with offering up some content for it also. I found that it was really time consuming, and Terry F took over for a period of time until it fizzled out.

The main idea that I had was to get more OGG content out there, to help expand the awareness of the OGG format, due to restrictions of the MP3 format, and that many MP3 Players didn't support it. - Today, most people are listening to content on computers or Android devices, most are able to listen to the ogg format, if they wish.

If my ol' memory serves right, even Mark Shuttleworth has stopped worrying about the MP3 format being a real problem, even tho' it's still a closed file format. Granted it's not open, but the threat of being sued doesn't seem likely after nothing happening after all of this time.

- FWIW, when I AM online I'm easily found over on G+ aka Also over on Mastodon.Rocks @randynose.

Thanks for reminding me of some good times years ago...

All hail the Juiced Penguin. :)

Comment #2 posted on 2018-07-20 05:21:16 by clacke

mp3 is not a real problem

The Fraunhofer Institute's US patents on mp3 have expired, so the mp3 format is no longer problematic in connection with free software.

The only reasons not to use mp3 these days are because it's two decades behind in codec evolution (e.g. Opus is strictly better in every aspect) and in envelope evolution (e.g. Matroska has better metadata and streaming facilities).

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