hpr2578 :: LinuxLUGcast 102 the lost episode
LinuxLUGcast episode 102. The lost episode.
Hosted by Honkeymagoo on Wednesday, 2018-06-20 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
linux, computing.
(Be the first).
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Duration: 03:52:56
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This was episode 102 of the LinuxLUGcast.
So the LinuxLUGcast is an open podcast/LUG that meets every first and third friday of the month using mumble. This method of running a podcast leaves it open to anyone showing up (which is what we want because it gets difficult for fiftyonefifty and I to come up with topics all the time). We have also gotten the reputation of being a safe for work podcast. This is why episode 102 is being posted here. Between the not safe for work language and the fact that after a few drinks during the podcast I get a little rambly we thought it best not to publish it on the regular LinuxLUGcast feed, but I thought there was some good conversation here that would be lost if it did not go somewhere. After some discussion we at the LinuxLUGcast decided that we would publish it here so that it could be heard by the HPR community.
We have also done some website remodeling which has screwed up the .ogg feed, and wanted to let people know that we are still podcasting and to please check out
https://www.linuxlugcast.com/ for the new .ogg feed.
p.s. please forgive my rambling