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hpr2559 :: My Favourite Browser extension

In this episode I cover my favourite browser Add-on

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Hosted by MrX on Thursday, 2018-05-24 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Internet, Research, Browser, Firefox, Plug-in, Add-On. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:18:37
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My contribution to List of requested shows “Your favourite browser extensions”

On Android, I'm lazy and just seem to have fallen into using the chrome browser. The Add-on I'm going to talk about unfortunately isn't available for the Android operating system.

On the Linux desktop, I use Firefox

In the past, I've dabbled with various browser add-ons but until very recently I've been using no browser add-ons on the desktop.

A browser add-on I did use and did miss was Tab groups

Tab Groups was originally a feature built into Mozilla Firefox

The feature was removed but maintained as an add-on until it was broken by changes in Firefox 57

A colleague at work brought the One-Tab add-on to my attention

It's available for both the Chrome browser and Firefox

No sign-up or registration required

With Tab-group I found myself spending a lot of time arranging groups getting the size right naming them etc.

One tab philosophy is a bit different and perhaps maybe not so intuitive, though I think now after some use I prefer it as it gets out of the way and can be used with the minimal of fuss.

I highly recommend one-tab if you regularly find yourself dealing with a lot of open tabs in your browser.


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