hpr2493 :: YouTube Subscriptions - update
Some of the YouTube channels I have subscribed to in the last year
Hosted by Dave Morriss on Wednesday, 2018-02-21 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
YouTube, channel.
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Duration: 00:14:45
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YouTube Subscriptions - update
I reported on some of my YouTube subscriptions in show 2202, where I concentrated on the various Maker channels I subscribe to.
Since then I have added a few more such channels, but this time I also want to talk about some of the others I subscribe to.
YouTube Channels
- Anne of All Trades
- bigclivedotcom
- Computerphile
- David Waelder
- EvanAndKatelyn
- ExplainingComputers
- HomeMadeModern
- izzy swan
- Jackman Works
- mugumogu
- Pask Makes
- Phil Pinsky Productions
- RetroWeld
- Thomas Sanladerer
- tim sway
- Unemployed Redneck Hillbilly Creations
- William Lutes
- Wintergatan
Long notes
I have another version of the above channel list in the long notes with more details and with some of my observations.
- HPR show 2202: Makers on YouTube
- Long notes for this episode