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hpr2456 :: HPR Community News for December 2017

HPR Volunteers talk about shows released and comments posted in December 2017

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Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2018-01-01 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. 6.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:27:09
Download the transcription and subtitles.

HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

There were no new hosts this month.

Thanks to all HPR contributors in 2017!

@einebiene, Ahuka, Andrew Conway, b-yeezi, Beeza, Bill "NFMZ1" Miller, Bitbox, bjb, BobJonkman, brian, Brian in Ohio, Christopher M. Hobbs, clacke, Claudio Miranda, Clinton Roy, cobra2, Curtis Adkins (CPrompt^), Dave Morriss, Dave Yates, David Whitman, deepgeek, dodddummy, droops, Epicanis, Eric Duhamel, FiftyOneFifty, Frank Bell, fth, Geddes, Hannah, of Terra, of Sol, HPR Volunteers, HPR_AudioBookClub, Ironic Sodium, Jezra, Jon Kulp, Jrullo, JWP, Ken Fallon, klaatu, Knox, laindir, lostnbronx, m1rr0r5h4d35, mattkingusa, mirwi, Mongo, MrX, NYbill, OnlyHalfTheTime, operat0r, Quvmoh, Reg A, Shane Shennan, sigflup, spaceman, Steve Saner, swift110, Thaj Sara, The Alien Brothers Podcast (ABP), TheDUDE, thelovebug, Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212, Various Hosts, venam, Windigo, Xoke.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
2435 Fri 2017-12-01 Server Basics 102 klaatu
2436 Mon 2017-12-04 HPR Community News for November 2017 HPR Volunteers
2437 Tue 2017-12-05 Interface Zero Play-through Part 3 klaatu
2438 Wed 2017-12-06 Gnu Awk - Part 8 Dave Morriss
2439 Thu 2017-12-07 Internal Logic of Stories lostnbronx
2440 Fri 2017-12-08 How to save bad beans or the French press cobra2
2441 Mon 2017-12-11 Server Basics 103 klaatu
2442 Tue 2017-12-12 The sound of Woodbrook Quaker Study centre in the Spring Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2443 Wed 2017-12-13 pdmenu Dave Morriss
2444 Thu 2017-12-14 Interface Zero Play-through Part 4 klaatu
2445 Fri 2017-12-15 Information Underground: Backwards Capitalism lostnbronx
2446 Mon 2017-12-18 Git server and git hooks klaatu
2447 Tue 2017-12-19 Server Basics 104 OpenVPN Server klaatu
2448 Wed 2017-12-20 Useful Bash functions - part 3 Dave Morriss
2449 Thu 2017-12-21 Org-mode mobile solution Brian in Ohio
2450 Fri 2017-12-22 Android Audio with viper 4 android and magisk operat0r
2451 Mon 2017-12-25 Server Basics 105 OpenVPN Client klaatu
2452 Tue 2017-12-26 Hydraulic Heavy Scale Project David Whitman
2453 Wed 2017-12-27 The power of GNU Readline - part 2 Dave Morriss
2454 Thu 2017-12-28 The Alien Brothers Podcast - S01E02 - Strictly Hacking The Alien Brothers Podcast (ABP)
2455 Fri 2017-12-29 Interface Zero RPG Part 5 klaatu

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows.
There are 43 comments in total.

There are 15 comments on 11 previous shows:

  • hpr2163 (2016-11-16) "Gnu Awk - Part 4" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 3: Ron Strelecki on 2017-12-09: "GNU AWK, part four"
    • Comment 4: Dave Morriss on 2017-12-10: "Thanks Ron"
    • Comment 5: Ron Strelecki on 2017-12-18: "GNU Awk, part four"

  • hpr2184 (2016-12-15) "Gnu Awk - Part 5" by b-yeezi.
    • Comment 3: ZZ on 2017-12-11: "GNU Awk part 5"
    • Comment 4: Ken Fallon on 2017-12-11: "Re: Audio"

  • hpr2297 (2017-05-23) "More Magnatune Favourites" by Dave Morriss.

  • hpr2314 (2017-06-15) "Bad Caps" by NYbill.

  • hpr2394 (2017-10-05) "The Lost Episode" by NYbill.
    • Comment 4: Ken Fallon on 2017-12-20: "All set but ...."

  • hpr2403 (2017-10-18) "Amateur Radio Round Table #3" by Various Hosts.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2017-12-04: "Visualisation of waves"

  • hpr2417 (2017-11-07) "Transmeta Crusoe - Fujitsu-Siemens Futro S210 (ThinClient) - Trouble Shooting and Debian 9 Install" by JWP.
    • Comment 3: busybusy on 2017-12-29: "A Different Time"

  • hpr2420 (2017-11-10) "Netbooks - Keeping an old friend alive" by Beeza.
    • Comment 2: Gumnos on 2017-12-02: "Netbooks and lightweight OSes"

  • hpr2422 (2017-11-14) "Kickstarter Post Mortem" by klaatu.
    • Comment 1: busybusy on 2017-12-29: "Kickstarter Revisited"

  • hpr2431 (2017-11-27) "Information Underground: Local Control" by lostnbronx.
    • Comment 1: Zen_Floater2 on 2017-12-01: "Benevolent Dictator of the Magical Forrest"

  • hpr2432 (2017-11-28) "Living with the Nokia 6 – an update to HPR 2405" by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212.
    • Comment 3: Tony Hughes on 2017-12-01: "Reply to RWA re App performance"

There are 28 comments on 13 of this month's shows:

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:

Any other business

Issue Tracker

Josh of has provided HPR with a GitLab repository we use for storing website code and scripts. It includes an issue tracker which we have been using to track some of the recent issues we have been experiencing. We plan to use this more in the future.


Hosting for HPR

HPR is hosted by Josh of We would appreciate it if you could donate to help reduce his costs in funding the hosting.

HPR's shows and audio are also hosted by the Internet Archive ( They are currently running a funding drive where a generous supporter will match donations 3-to-1. As they say: "Your $5 becomes $20!"

Donations to the Internet Archive would also be appreciated.

HPR shows on the Internet Archive

HPR shows from number 871 up to 2455 are currently available on the Internet Archive as individual "identifiers" in the Archive terminology.

Gradually, earlier shows are being added and the shows for the coming week are added each weekend. The podcast feeds have recently been redirected to download from the copies on

In recent months the upload process has been enhanced to make sure that a copy of the notes and all other components of each show (such as pictures, and downloadable files) are available on as well as on the HPR site. Earlier uploads where this was not the case will be updated in due course.

Static web site

Can anyone recommend static site tools?

Tags and Summaries

Thanks to Xoke for sending in updates in the past month.


Subscribe to the comments RSS feed.

Comment #1 posted on 2018-01-01 08:23:26 by Mike Ray

Work load

I sort of drifted off a bit during the talk about how to embed show notes and other stuff in video, so I may be a bit off track here.

But I caught sentences that included talk of oscilloscope traces of the frequency distribution of the host and other stuff, like the HPR logo etc.

This made me think of a mantra I have always used in my professional life, and that is, don't promise to, or start to, provide something periodically on a regular basis that you are likely to regret.

I don't know about how other people consume HPR, but I typically do it in bed with my iPhone. Typically, if the show contains stuff I need to look at, like Dave's shows about bash, I will go to the site the next day and copy and paste stuff from Dave's notes into a markdown file which I then file away on my RAID system.

Some shows I delete just given the subject without even listening, typically anything which looks like a 'how I make coffee' or 'how I make a glass of water'. Other shows I listen to right through without any hesitation because of the reputation, in my own mind, of the quality of the hosts past shows.

But, on to my point...I would not recommend you make a rod for your own back by promising stuff like video embedded show notes, oscilloscope traces or any other stuff that is incresing your work load further than before.

Maybe I'm biased here by the fact that video is pointless for me because I can't see. And I have to admit to being scared that the next step will be to ONLY have the show notes embedded in a video, and then I'm sorry but I will have to shoot you.

Comment #2 posted on 2018-01-01 08:29:50 by Mike Ray

Soldering Iron

My ears pricked up when Ken was extolling the virtues of a 25 dollar temperature controlled soldering iron. Somehow I have missed that recommendation, if it was ever aired.

What is the make and model of the iron?

I hear a loud cry of 'why does a blind man want a soldering iron?' from the land of clogs and windmills...

I do solder occasionally, especially things like PL259 coax plugs, and even components into vero board. But more recently I have decided my fingertips are too valuable to me for me to risk them, and anyway the plastic surgery bills were eroding my beer fund.

But, I regularly take stuff to the local Linux User Group, where my good friend Tony Wood, AKA 'soldering slave' solders stuff for me under my guidance.

Unfortunately Tony's soldering iron is only one step short of being a big lump of copper on the end of a steel rod which he plunges into hot coals before bringing it to bear on the legs of a surface mount AVR micro-controller.

I have been thinking of getting a temp controlled iron I can stuff in my rucksack and lug to the LUG (see what I did there?)

Comment #3 posted on 2018-01-01 11:38:15 by Dave Morriss

Soldering Iron

Hi Mike,

I bought myself the solder station Ken was mentioning having seen it on Big Clive's YouTube channel ( I recommended it to Ken and he also bought one.

The link I sent him was:

I also bought a few extra handles and a load of spare tips, which I found on eBay. I can send you eBay links by email if you want, but they may not be current any more.

Thinking of the big lump of copper on the end of a rod, that's what I learnt to solder with at school. We used a gas heating unit, so we'd advanced a bit from the hot coals :-)

Comment #4 posted on 2018-01-01 12:48:06 by Mike Ray


I also learned to solder at school with the thing we're talking about thrust into the heap of clinkers heated with a gas torch.

The first thing the metal work teacher got us to make was a tin-plate tray. This involved cutting a V out of each corner of a square of tin-plate, folding it up slightly and running solder into the mating of the edges to make the tray.

Unfortunately, I never managed to cut the Vs accurately, and ended up trying to solder across a gap after bemnding the cut outs back and forth to break them.

After about six months the other kids were making hasps and staples, or paint scrapers, milling stuff on the milling machine, and I was still trying to get solder to bridge a one millimetre gap :-)

Comment #5 posted on 2018-01-01 18:08:55 by Frank

U. S. College Course Numbering

Regarding "101," 102," etc.

It is common, but by no means universal that U. S. colleges use this means of numbering courses. Generally, 100 refers to Freshman (first year) courses; 200 to Sophomore (second-year) level courses, up to 400 and above for advanced or graduate-level courses. Generally, the more advanced the course, the more narrow and in-depth its focus.

"101" is usually a basic intro course, "102" the next intro course, and so on. A first semester U. S. History course would be History 101 (say, colonization to Civil War); the following second semester course would be History 102 (say, Civil War to Present). (As an aside, judging by what's happening domestically in my country, I have concluded that those courses are no longer taught, but that's another matter). History 412, just to pick a random topic, might be an exhaustive dive into the Early Federal period (roughly 1790-1832).

Again, this is not a universal system, jut a very common, perhaps the most common system.

I do not know the origins of this system.

Here's a more detailed article from Cal State--Northridge:

Comment #6 posted on 2018-01-03 22:07:42 by Dave Morriss

Learning to solder at school

I just realised I still have a little metal scoop I made at school. It was made from what I think is tin plated sheet steel bent in a box bender with tabs that had to be soldered. Getting those tabs properly aligned and soldered was a challenge and there are some *wide* gaps where the solder just didn't bridge them.

It wasn't a show-stopper, because I remember learning to braze some tools for the fireplace later and making tyre levers at the forge. Fun times :-)

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