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hpr2452 :: Hydraulic Heavy Scale Project

Hydraulic Jack Mod, DIY, Travel Trailer Balance

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Thumbnail of David Whitman
Hosted by David Whitman on Tuesday, 2017-12-26 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Hydraulic Jack Mod, DIY, Travel Trailer Balance. 2.

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Duration: 00:22:19
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Hydraulic Heavy Scale Project

by David Whitman

Why? - to weigh a heavy object yourself

Not very difficult. Can be done in about 1/2 hour by someone who has experience doing this type of stuff. Lots longer for beginners.

Things you will need: A drill motor, The right size bit for a small pilot hole and the right size bit for a fitting to connect the jack cylinder to the pressure gauge, A Thread TAP to make threads to connect the hydraulic 90 degree fitting to the jack, Some pipe dope is not a bad idea, A 90 degree appropriately sized fitting to connect a pressure gauge to the jack, a vise is nice, a wrench to dismantle the jack, A way to accurately measure the cylinder bore (best is a caliper) and some oil to refill the jack.

This link is a youtube to help you visualize the steps.

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Comment #1 posted on 2017-12-19 20:52:05 by Ken Fallon

retriever dog training

Seriously ?

"I don't think anyone on HPR would be interested in retriever dog training - I guess we won't be doing a show about that ?"

Words fail me.


Happy Birthday !!

Comment #2 posted on 2017-12-20 14:43:22 by STLShawn

Would love dog training

I would love a show on retriever training! That would be so interesting. I think diversity is needed a bit. I mean, people are submitting great and wonderful tech, gaming, and discussion shows, but some rather odd the wall stuff would be wonderful.

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