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hpr2440 :: How to save bad beans or the French press

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Hosted by cobra2 on Friday, 2017-12-08 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
driving, coffee. 2.

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Duration: 00:00:57
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All aspects of making the perfect cup of Coffee


We take some time to remember our good friend and fellow host Lord Drachenblut who passed away one year ago yesterday.
Now may be a good time to re listen to hpr2201 :: Matthew "Lord Drachenblut" Williams HPR Community members remember the digital dragon.


I was driving in a place where I had no signal, so I recorded an episode about the first thing that popped into my mind.

Recorded with lineageos recorder app through monster isport bluetooth headphones. I'm amazed at the sound quality. I'll do this more. I promise

(no I won't, I'm lazy)


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-12-11 02:28:01 by Klaatu


I have to admit, most coffee I come across here in NZ is so amazingly good that there's a part of me that misses the really bad coffee of me youth: drip coffee that's been sitting on the burner for 2 hours, or the percolated coffee that's steeped in itself for 45 minutes, the bad petrol station coffee that you have to dump all kinds of flavour into so you can manage to drink it.

The plunger does make a big difference, though. I

For the record, I do *not* use a plastic plunger. I found a nice all-metal one, and it's super durable and really good.

Off to go make some coffee.

Comment #2 posted on 2017-12-11 08:39:41 by cobra2


Enjoy that cup! I, myself, am steeping some coffee as I write this on a tiny screen mere feet away from a real keyboard...

I've found over the years that once you move to a French press, its really hard to go back to a drip coffee maker. I never had the stomach for 'diner' coffee. And in all fairness, I never appreciated coffee until leaving the deep south for the great white north. Mostly due to EVERYTHING being bad coffee.

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