hpr2413 :: personal health care
wherein bitbox discovers he is fat, and can no longer find his feet
Hosted by Bitbox on Wednesday, 2017-11-01 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
health, personal health.
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Duration: 00:05:44
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Health and Healthcare.
A open series about Health and Healthcare
This show was created while sitting in my tractor cab (I'm a truck driver), it took less than 10 minutes to record. The slight background noise is my truck getting bounced around by the forklift running in and out of my trailer.
The audio was recorded on an 'Olympus VN-1000PC' pocket dictation recorder (purchased at Walmart about 10 or 12 years ago, I think, for about $20.00-US), on the built in mic. The recorder will accept a mic and/or headphone with a 3.5mm jack size. Mini usb out as a mass storage device so its easy to offload your files. The device is simple enough for a monkey to use, or a trucker...
Photos from my Android phone, a samsung s7 active. Photos transferred to my laptop using the KDE connect application (I know, I know, how 'bout an episode...)
Photo editing in "Gwenview", a gui application with fast cropping and resizing capability, plus much much more (I know, I know, how 'bout an episode...)
Audio editing in "Audacity", of course. All I did was pull the silences, and the "uh, ummmm's" out, and then export into a flac mono. (I know, I know, how 'bout an episode...wait, no that one's been done, and done,...)
The digital scale in the picture below was purchased at 'bedbath&beyond' for less than $20.00 -US, several years ago and seems quite accurate
The Omron BP cuff...lists at about $80-$90.00 US on their site. I didn't pay for that though. My mom the retired nurse did.
SHAKUBUKU - from the wikipedia entry...
Shakubuku "break and subdue" (折伏) is a term that originates in the Chinese Śrīmālādevī Siṃhanāda Sūtra. Although often associated with the teachings of Nichiren, the term appears often in the SAT Daizokyo and the works of the Chinese Tiantai patriarachs Zhiyi and Zhanran. The term has historically been used to indicate the rebuttal of false teachings, and thereby break negative patterns in one's thoughts, words and deeds.
Personally, I heard the term defined first on the movie, "Gross Pointe Blank" with Minni Driver, John Cusack, Alan Arkin and Dan Akroyd. Minnie Driver's character described SHAKUBUKU thusly,"It's a swift, spiritual kick to the head that alters your reality forever."
Both of these definitions work for me, the first being the more definitive, and the second being the somewhat simplistic, hipster/millennial definition, although the line was actually recorded around 1997 when the movie came out.
Thank you all for listening.