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hpr2397 :: The Urban Astronomer

An introduction to an astronomy podcast that you might like

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Thumbnail of Dave Morriss
Hosted by Dave Morriss on Tuesday, 2017-10-10 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
astronomy, podcast. 2.

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Duration: 00:32:39
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The Urban Astronomer

I'm interested in Astronomy and listen to a number of Astronomy podcasts. I have listed a few of these in the past when doing HPR shows about the podcast feeds I subscribe to (shows 1516, 1518 and 2339).

One of the recent additions to my podcast list that I have been listening to this year is called "The Urban Astronomer", which has a website here and a podcast feed here. The site and podcast are run by Allen Versfeld, who is based in South Africa.

To quote from the website:

Allen is an amateur astronomer, an IT professional, a podcaster, a father of five beautiful kids and a barely competent chess player. He is also the director of the Astrophotography Section of the Astronomical Society of South Africa, where he coordinates and promotes the activities of people who are far better photographers than him.

I have been enjoying Allen's episodes a lot. There are some great interviews with some very interesting people in the world of Astronomy. Allen has a relaxed interviewing style which I find appealing.

I wrote to him, commenting on one of his episodes, and I mentioned Hacker Public Radio in my email. He has subscribed to HPR and has been kind enough to mention it on a recent podcast. I'm offering you a chance to listen to one of his episodes here.

The episode is number 12 of "The Urban Astronomer", from June 16, 2017. It is an interview with Jen Millard, a first year Astronomy PhD student at Cardiff University in the UK. Jen is also a host on the "Awesome Astronomy" podcast, as mentioned in the episode.

I hope you enjoy listening to this example episode.


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-10-21 19:23:51 by Kevin O'Brien

Enjoyed this show

I'm a long time science and space geek, and I quite enjoyed this. If you like this you might to check out The Astronomy Cast ( and Planetary Radio ( They are both on my podcatcher.

Comment #2 posted on 2017-10-21 19:53:04 by Dave Morriss

Thanks Kevin

I listen to Astronomy Cast myself and recommend it too. I actually get the "raw" version before they edit it ( since it's amusing to hear what goes on behind the scenes!

I also greatly enjoy The Weekly Space Hangout (, and of course, Awesome Astronomy (

I shall check Planetary Radio, which I haven't ever listened to. Thanks for the pointer.

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