hpr2379 :: sending a text message from the command line
a bunch of waffling on about email and text message sending from the command line
Hosted by Jezra on Thursday, 2017-09-14 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
command line, mail, SMS.
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Duration: 00:04:55
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Notes? We don't need no stinking notes!
Edited 2017-09-08 by Ken
I beg to differ :).
This show was recorded on Audacity using a Logitech headset.
In episode hpr1892 :: my chicken coop jezra went to great lengths to protect his chickens. His system based on a BeagleBone Black ensures the door opens and closes only during the day.
In this show jezra explains how he gets the system to send him an email, and a text message using mailx and his phones providers free SMS to Email gateway.