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hpr2379 :: sending a text message from the command line

a bunch of waffling on about email and text message sending from the command line

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Hosted by Jezra on Thursday, 2017-09-14 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
command line, mail, SMS. 3.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:04:55
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Notes? We don't need no stinking notes!

Edited 2017-09-08 by Ken
I beg to differ :).

This show was recorded on Audacity using a Logitech headset.

In episode hpr1892 :: my chicken coop jezra went to great lengths to protect his chickens. His system based on a BeagleBone Black ensures the door opens and closes only during the day.

In this show jezra explains how he gets the system to send him an email, and a text message using mailx and his phones providers free SMS to Email gateway.


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-09-16 17:50:54 by jezra


I'm not sure this episode is "explicit". Sometimes I forget if I swear or not.

Anyway, the coop isn't always opening and closing properly, so today I am in the process of updating the code that controls the coop door. Testing has resulted in a massive amount of texts and emails.

Oh yea, and thank you Ken for the show notes. :)

Comment #2 posted on 2017-09-18 08:40:44 by Ken Fallon

We do what you ask :)

Hi jezra

We process the shows as per the instructions given to us by the hosts. In this case you marked your show as explicit on upload.

We never contact people who have marked their shows as Explicit as there is a large body of hosts that deliberately mark all shows as Explicit as a precaution or protest.

We have on occasion contacted hosts who have marked their shows as 'clean' where we feel the show may not "be considered inoffensive in every region of the world". If it ever occurs and the host disagrees, we will put the case to the HPR Community Mailing List. hpr2210 :: On Freedom of Speech and Censorship describes the agreed approach to this topic.


Comment #3 posted on 2017-09-20 22:01:31 by jezra

force of habit?

It was probably 'force of habit' that caused me to mark the show as 'explicit' :)

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