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hpr2377 :: A Rambling Drive Into Work

An attempt at making a show on the way into work

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Hosted by MrX on Tuesday, 2017-09-12 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
car, drive, podcast, audio. 4.

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Duration: 00:22:41
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Please excuse the audio quality in the episode & feel free to skip if it's too painful on the ears. In the episode, I mainly talk about my two most recent cars as I couldn’t think of anything else to talk about off the cuff.


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-09-15 03:23:53 by dodddummy

I know you said you didn't need this, but...

I was going to comment on your last show where you said you didn't think any processing was necessary.

While I agree content is king, you might find this tip handy. When I record in noisy environments, I record a few seconds without speaking to pick up the background noise.

The reason for this is so that you can use those seconds as a model for noise reduction in audacity. Only takes a few seconds to process in audacity so it's not much more work.

Since this is a common practice, did you try this?

Comment #2 posted on 2017-09-15 23:25:01 by thelovebug

Great concept for a show... so I pinched it!

I managed to get the gist of what you were trying to say... although I don't believe that any level of processing would have been able to tidy up what was ultimately recorded. I find that in noisy environments, a low gain recorder with the microphone nice and close to your mouth tends to make you heard much better.

I've just uploaded (what will be) episode 2400, where I basically pinch your idea, and drive the 28 miles into my work, and spend most of the time talking about the 14 cars I've had! :-)

When I recorded this show, the only thing I did was push the file through Auphonic to level it out, there was no noise reduction applied... and I do have a fairly noisy car.

I would definitely like to hear another attempt from you at this! :-)

Comment #3 posted on 2017-10-18 17:01:30 by MrX

Reply to Comment 1

Hi dodddummy, many thanks for leaving a comment and sorry for taking so long in replying. Yes that's a good tip in noisy environments which I knew about and I did give it a go but the quality was so poor that I didn't think it really helped. I think it may be Ok up to a point but past that point, it just makes things worse. Thanks for the tip much appreciated :)
Regards MrX

Comment #4 posted on 2017-10-18 17:05:59 by MrX

Answer to comment 2

Hi Dave many thanks for the comment, I think you've hit it on the. The internal Dictaphone microphone is reasonably sensitive but the external clip-on one supplied which I used is even more so. It's clear that the audio was badly clipping when looking at the recording in Audacity. I think I'll be investing one of those excellent microphones recommended by Jon Kulp.

Many thanks for the useful advice and really looking forward to hearing your episode and yes I'll hope to have another go if I get a chance.

Best regards


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