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hpr2371 :: HPR Community News for August 2017

HPR Volunteers talk about shows released and comments posted in August 2017

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Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2017-09-04 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. 4.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:27:39
Download the transcription and subtitles.

HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

There were no new hosts this month.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
2347 Tue 2017-08-01 An Intro to Apache Hadoop JWP
2348 Wed 2017-08-02 Vim Hints 005 Dave Morriss
2349 Thu 2017-08-03 Customizing my bash prompt Windigo
2350 Fri 2017-08-04 Ahuka Insurance - Understanding The Marketplace Ahuka
2351 Mon 2017-08-07 HPR Community News for July 2017 HPR Volunteers
2352 Tue 2017-08-08 Liverpool Makefest 2017 Show 5 Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2353 Wed 2017-08-09 RoboThermometer Epicanis
2354 Thu 2017-08-10 Night Sounds in Rural Tennessee Jon Kulp
2355 Fri 2017-08-11 Wii and WiiU Software Modding operat0r
2356 Mon 2017-08-14 Safely enabling ssh in the default Raspbian Image Ken Fallon
2357 Tue 2017-08-15 Air Soft Mini Howto operat0r
2358 Wed 2017-08-16 Amateur radio round table #2 Various Hosts
2359 Thu 2017-08-17 Android ROM and PAIN operat0r
2360 Fri 2017-08-18 Tradeoffs in the US Health Care System Ahuka
2361 Mon 2017-08-21 Information Underground: Working Out klaatu
2362 Tue 2017-08-22 Raspbian X86 on Lenovo x61s Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2363 Wed 2017-08-23 Cancelling my TV licence Dave Morriss
2364 Thu 2017-08-24 Managing Your Android with AirDroid Frank Bell
2365 Fri 2017-08-25 Rolling out a radio-based internet service in rural England Beeza
2366 Mon 2017-08-28 Making Bramble Jelly Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2367 Tue 2017-08-29 How I create and post a show to HPR MrX
2368 Wed 2017-08-30 Every cloude has a silver lining mirwi
2369 Thu 2017-08-31 Little Meters NYbill

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available in the archives run externally by Gmane (see below) and on the HPR server under Mailman.

Note: since the summer of 2016 Gmane has changed location and is currently being reestablished. At the moment the HPR archive is not available there.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows.
There are 45 comments in total.

There are 9 comments on 5 previous shows:

There are 36 comments on 14 of this month's shows:

  • hpr2349 (2017-08-03) "Customizing my bash prompt" by Windigo.
    • Comment 1: x1101 on 2017-08-04: "prompt for other users"
    • Comment 2: Windigo on 2017-08-04:"[no title]"
    • Comment 3: Dave Morriss on 2017-08-12: "Great show - most enjoyable"

  • hpr2350 (2017-08-04) "Ahuka Insurance - Understanding The Marketplace" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 1: Canadianbob on 2017-08-13: "Health Insurance Market"
    • Comment 2: Kevin O'Brien on 2017-08-13: "That's why I recorded this"

  • hpr2351 (2017-08-07) "HPR Community News for July 2017" by HPR Volunteers.
    • Comment 1: Mad Sweeney on 2017-08-08: "Sean Nós Free Software Song made me happy"
    • Comment 2: Krayon on 2017-08-29: "AMAZING Free Software song!"

  • hpr2353 (2017-08-09) "RoboThermometer" by Epicanis.
    • Comment 1: Mr. Young on 2017-08-10: "On my to-do list"
    • Comment 2: ClaudioM on 2017-08-11: "Another Great Episode"
    • Comment 3: Ivan "Epicanis" Privaci (pseud.) on 2017-08-12: "Glad to be back!"

  • hpr2354 (2017-08-10) "Night Sounds in Rural Tennessee" by Jon Kulp.
    • Comment 1: Dave Morriss on 2017-08-14: "Some impressive ambient sounds"
    • Comment 2: Tony Hughes on 2017-08-16: "hpr2354 :: Night Sounds in Rural Tennessee"
    • Comment 3: Frank on 2017-08-17:"[no title]"
    • Comment 4: Jonathan Kulp on 2017-08-17: "Mystery bugs"
    • Comment 5: Windigo on 2017-08-23: "More nostalgia"

  • hpr2356 (2017-08-14) "Safely enabling ssh in the default Raspbian Image" by Ken Fallon.
    • Comment 1: Klaatu on 2017-08-15: "good coffee"

  • hpr2360 (2017-08-18) "Tradeoffs in the US Health Care System" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2017-08-19: "A better starting point"

  • hpr2361 (2017-08-21) "Information Underground: Working Out" by klaatu.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2017-08-21: "Citation needed"
    • Comment 2: ClaudioM on 2017-08-23: "Fantastic!"
    • Comment 3: deepgeek on 2017-08-24: "Cost Correction"

  • hpr2362 (2017-08-22) "Raspbian X86 on Lenovo x61s" by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212.
    • Comment 1: Beeza on 2017-08-25: "Raspbian X86 On Atom-powered Netbook"
    • Comment 2: Tony Hughes on 2017-08-26: "Raspbian X86 On Atom-powered Netbook"

  • hpr2363 (2017-08-23) "Cancelling my TV licence" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 1: Frank on 2017-08-23:"[no title]"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2017-08-24: "I see your point, but..."
    • Comment 3: Beeza on 2017-08-25: "TV Detectors"
    • Comment 4: Tony Hughes on 2017-08-26: "Cancelling my TV licence"
    • Comment 5: Dave Morriss on 2017-08-26: "Thanks for the input"

  • hpr2364 (2017-08-24) "Managing Your Android with AirDroid" by Frank Bell.
    • Comment 1: Tony Hughes on 2017-08-26: "Managing Your Android with AirDroid"
    • Comment 2: Frank on 2017-08-26:"[no title]"

  • hpr2365 (2017-08-25) "Rolling out a radio-based internet service in rural England" by Beeza.
    • Comment 1: Tony Hughes on 2017-08-26: "Rolling out a radio-based internet service in rural England"
    • Comment 2: Frank on 2017-08-26:"[no title]"
    • Comment 3: Beeza on 2017-08-29: "Thanks for the comments"

  • hpr2366 (2017-08-28) "Making Bramble Jelly" by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212.
    • Comment 1: Tony Hughes on 2017-08-19: "hpr2366 Making Bramble Jelly"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2017-08-19: "I adjusted your text"

  • hpr2369 (2017-08-31) "Little Meters" by NYbill.
    • Comment 1: Mike Ray on 2017-08-30: "Noooo...don't stop buying and reviewing meters"
    • Comment 2: Dave Lee on 2017-08-31: "Excellent show"

Any other business

  • Comment System

    As mentioned on the mailing list, we are working on a new comment system to replace the failing one we have now. We'll be reporting progress on the mailing list.

  • Filling the queue

    The queue got very low recently but is now looking healthier. Thanks to everyone for their contributions. However, it would be better in future if shows could be spread out more to leave room for new contributors and to help prevent the feast/famine problem. See the Scheduling Guidelines on the Calendar page:

    1. You must have have your audio recording ready to upload before you pick a slot.
    2. Always try and fill any free slots that are available in the upcoming week.
    3. If the queue is filling up then please consider leaving some slots free for new contributors.
    4. If you have a non urgent show then find a empty week and schedule it then.
    5. If you are uploading a series of shows, consider scheduling one every two weeks.

  • Amateur Radio Round Table

    The current proposal is to record the next show on 2017-09-13 at 18:00 UTC.
    Please let Michael (mirwi) know via the HPR mailing list if you'd like to attend.

  • Tags and Summaries

    In the past month we have had contributions from Epicanis and Windigo and I (Dave Morriss) have added a few tags & summaries myself. Many thanks to all contributors.

    Currently there are 950 shows which need summaries or tags to be added. All contributions to this project are most welcome. See the current status and instructions for making your own contribution at "Shows without a summary and/or tags".


Subscribe to the comments RSS feed.

Comment #1 posted on 2017-09-05 02:54:20 by Frank

I have a very selfish idea for a show--a tutorial based on moving HPR from http to https.

Selfish because I need to do the same thing to stop Firefox's incessant and--given the nature of my site, quite silly-nagging (it's not like I manage any personal information, after all, other than my own logon I mean really).

I have nothing but praise for my hosting provider's tech support--they have proven themselves to be real troopers--and generally find their help files actually helpful, but I must admit that, since I now have a VPS and I'm all on my ownsome for managing something like implementing SSL, I am quite confused and unsure to what I must do.

Comment #2 posted on 2017-09-10 15:47:11 by Ken Fallon

We have gone live with the new comment system

Hi All,

We have gone live with the new comment system.

Keep us posted if you notice anything weird on the site.


Comment #3 posted on 2017-09-12 05:13:18 by dodddummy

In the US jelly is also clear and jam isn't.

Jelly is the clear/shaky stuff. Jam is not clear and less shaky. Jam and preserves are a bit harder to differentiate. I've lived all over the US and this difference between jam and jelly seems pervasive.

Comment #4 posted on 2017-09-12 08:08:23 by Dave Morriss

Jam versus jelly

Hi dodddummy,

I had never heard the term 'Jam' used in US English, though my experience is not broad.

Researching, I found this:

" I bought a jar of raspberry jam. She made us jelly sandwiches."

Which implies the words jam and jelly are a little interchangeable!

I have also believed that where UK English uses 'jelly' which can refer to a jam with all the bits taken out (based on pectin) and a dessert made with flavoured gelatin, whereas US English uses 'jello' for the latter.

I may be wrong! Language is a moving target anyway!

Thanks for clarifying things.

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