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hpr2369 :: Little Meters

NYbill does a quick review of two more inexpensive multimeters

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Hosted by NYbill on Thursday, 2017-08-31 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Electronics, Multimeter, Review. 8.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:21:11
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Hobby Electronics.

Building electronic devices and kits, repairing electronics and learning about components and their uses.

Listen to more things clicking and beeping!

NYbill does a quick review of two more inexpensive multimeters, ANENG models AN8002 and AN8008.

Bonus noises! I recorded next to an open window on a gusty day. Oops…


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-08-31 00:41:21 by Mike Ray

Noooo...don't stop buying and reviewing meters

Great show. I love the sounds of the bench...Bill ripping open little bags of probes, clicking battery compartments, slapping in the batteries, dropping the meter, the sounds of NY in the background. An audio feast. Please don't stop buying meters :-)

Comment #2 posted on 2017-08-31 20:21:08 by Dave Lee

Excellent show

Really enjoyed this. I'd love to know more about the oscilloscope in the photo!

More miniature geekery!

Oh, and I'm likely to buy the 8008!

Comment #3 posted on 2017-09-01 10:36:02 by NYbill

Ambient Noise

Thanks Mike,

You know, I didn't notice any of the outside noises while I was recording. Only after did I notice them in Audacity.

I just wish I remembered to plug in the mic with the wind screen. I don't like hearing the mic clip in the wind.

Comment #4 posted on 2017-09-01 10:38:33 by NYbill


Thanks Dave,

Yea, it seems like a capable little meter for the price. Its been with my regular (small set) of tools in the laptop bag since the show.

Comment #5 posted on 2017-09-01 18:20:45 by Mike Ray

Ambient noise and ASMR

Don't worry about the ambient noise, it was not intrusive. I think near the end there is the usual burst of a distant police/ambulance siren, which any city dweller can tune out. But that was not loud.

The day after this podcast and drooling over the sounds of beeps, clicks, tools, battery manipulations etc. which let me visualise the workbench so vividly, I heard mention of something called ASMR (automatic sensory meridian response), for which a lot of stuff is appearing on Youtube nowadays. It's sounds that generate a response that feels like a pleasurable tingling of the scalp, down the spine etc. The stuff on Youtube is all typified by women whispering, turning the pages of a book, drumming fingernails and stuff like that. But the workshop sounds and tthe infectious enthusiasm in your podcasts qualifies.

Maybe I'm more subject to this kind of stuff because I'm blind, no idea, but the sound effects were great

Comment #6 posted on 2017-09-01 22:07:27 by NYbill

I meant to reply to the scope comment, Dave. But, I was typing the above replies first thing in the morning, when I should have been driving to work. ;)

Yea, I don't think I've mentioned that scope in past episodes. I've had it for a couple of years now. It could warrant a little review. (You've a bit of Ken in you trying to pull another show out of people!) he he...

Mike, the sounds you heard outside my window (Which I hear as I type) are Upstate New York. I'm not in NYC. but, I am in the suburbs of a city a little more north. ;)

Comment #7 posted on 2017-09-06 16:25:15 by Not Verified


I had to laugh out loud when you went remote raiding for batteries. I'm sure weve all done that more than once.

Have you checked out any of the ATMega328 based ESR component testers?
I gave this one a try
based on the price and reviews. I got the one with th IC in socket cause I tend to trash things.
Nifty unit.
I know,,,,,do a show.?

Comment #8 posted on 2017-09-06 22:28:00 by NYbill

ESR tester kits.

Yes I have. I've built two of them. The first I sold to a friend at our LUG for the cost of the kit. (They are worth the money and I was happy to solder up another.)

I even started recording an HPR on the unit. But, life got in the way. So yep, get one, build it up, and give us a review! ;)

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