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hpr2361 :: Information Underground: Working Out

Deepgeek, Lostnbronx, and Klaatu talk about exercise.

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Hosted by Klaatu on Monday, 2017-08-21 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Information Underground. 3.

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Duration: 00:40:47
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Information Underground.

Deepgeek, Klaatu, and Lostnbronx discuss things.

Deepgeek, Lostnbronx, and Klaatu talk about exercise.


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-08-21 16:38:30 by Ken Fallon

Citation needed

I would just like to comment on the perception I picked up in the show that exercise leads to weight loss. The facts do not seem to support this. For the best video I was able to find on this topic, please see this VOX video

"after studding 60 papers exercise is pretty useless when it comes to weight loss"

Dr. kevin Hall says "We need to re-brand exercise. Exercise isn't a weight loss tool per se, it's excellent for health and is probably the best single thing that you can do other than stopping smoking to improve your health. But don't look at it as a weight loss tool".

In many cases exercise indirectly leads to eating more and thus more weight gain.

Comment #2 posted on 2017-08-23 14:00:37 by ClaudioM


What a fantastic episode! I found myself nodding my head so many times during this episode on what was said about exercise and weight loss. I started my journey into fitness after so many years of not exercising and failing to keep it up after attempting to do so. Initially, you have to start with a change in your state of mind. I began to look at fitness as a long-term process of milestones, not as a means to an end or a "goal" in a determined period of time. Once I did this, making it a routine was a lot easier for me to keep up. I started with "baby steps," doing 20-30 minutes of simple calisthenics. After some time where I felt comfortable performing those exercises, I would push myself a little more each time, eventually increasing my workouts and the intensity. While I didn't focus too much on the scale, I gradually noticed I was losing weight when I did weigh myself. If I didn't lose weight that day, I wasn't disheartened because I had already set my mind that this was a long-term process and that I would lose it eventually, and I did.

You also need to think that you are doing this for _you_ and not for anyone else or any particular reason that isn't for you. A better, healthier _you_ needs to be your motivation. Once I started thinking this way as well, it gave me the enthusiasm to keep on going.

I also changed my eating habits over time. I found some information online stating that one should focus on eating foods with "simple" ingredients, meaning that it should be as unprocessed as possible. The less ingredients shown, the quicker the body can process it and use it. The more ingredients listed, the longer it takes and, depending on your intake, can end up being stored as fat. Using this as a guideline, I moved away from a lot of the processed stuff to more natural foods, especially vegetables which I already loved but wasn't eating enough of. If it had to come in a box, I made sure that it had as little ingredients listed as possible. Sometimes, I'll eat wheat bran flakes or Honey Bunches of Oats, the former having less ingredients than the latter. While both have less ingredients than other popular cereals on the market, I always choose simple oatmeal with some cinnamon and honey. I also have eggs with spinach for breakfast, and sometimes even for dinner (this is my favorite plate thus far). As far as sweets, I am taking in less sugar now than I used to. I still have my coffee with cream and sugar at times (and very little at that), but I'm also drinking it black more than before. All of these changes along with my exercise routine have worked together to aid in my weight loss.

I have been taking vitamin supplements but really it's just a simple multivitamin daily that you can get at any store. It has helped boost my immune system and given my body the nutrients needed that I may not be getting naturally with my food intake. I have added a couple of others that aren't included in the multivitamin supplement but only because I don't get enough of them from the foods I eat. Remember, as the name implies, they are to _supplement_ what nutrients you are taking in daily (in other words, what you're not getting because of allergies/reactions to certain foods or availability of those foods). It's also important to talk to your doctor and get informed on what you can and can't (or shouldn't) take when it comes to supplements. In certain instances, certain vitamins/minerals can actually be harmful in large quantities.

Regarding Ken's comment about weight gain and eating more, this is true but it needs to be taken in context. As you continue training and working out, you are building muscle mass as you burn fat even though it's not visually noticeable. This will affect what you see on the scale depending on your progress. If you are weight-training or doing any high-intensity workout, you will notice that your appetite increases over time (this happened to me as well) and you may find yourself hungry after a workout even if you've eaten prior. This is normal because your body needs to replenish itself accordingly during the recovery process after such workouts. The key here is to eat foods that are as healthy as they can be with as little processing as possible. Carbs and protein provide energy before and after intense workouts, but they have to be healthy carbs and protein. Fats are also good, but they must be "healthy" fats (unsalted roasted peanuts, avocados, etc.) and _in_moderation_. While the video covers this near the end, it does so poorly in my opinion in ways that can be easily refuted as mentioned above and some of the examples given leave a lot to be desired. Then again, 5 minutes can't cover everything.

Ultimately, this is what has worked for me and it was an "evolutionary" process in my fitness journey. Everyone's different and every strategy will be different, but the core mentality and process is pretty much the same.

Comment #3 posted on 2017-08-25 01:22:33 by deepgeek

Cost Correction

My dip stand actually had a cost of $75 dollars. --- DG

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