hpr2344 :: Follow on to HPR2340 (Tracking the HPR queue in Python)
Improved version of script to capture the number of HPR shows in the queue using python.
Hosted by MrX on Thursday, 2017-07-27 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Python, Programming, Hardware, BlinkStick.
(Be the first).
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Duration: 00:14:29
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Programming 101.
A series focusing on concepts and the basics of programming
This is a follow up to my previous show HPR2340, the improvement being I use the available STATS file from the hpr website rather than scraping the content from the HPR calendar page
Link to my original show HPR2340
https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=2340Link to the excellent episode HPR1986 from Dave Morriss which references the stats file
https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr1986/full_shownotes.html#example-2Link to useful HPR Stats page
Snapshot contents (2017-06-23) of 'stats.txt' file which was actually called 'hpr_stats.txt' my mistake
Started: 11 years, 8 months, 19 days ago (2005-10-10)
Renamed HPR: 9 years, 5 months, 27 days ago (2007-12-31)
Total Shows: 2911
Total TWAT: 300
Total HPR: 2611
HPR Hosts: 286
Days to next free slot: 17
Hosts in Queue: 9
Shows in Queue: 14
Comments waiting approval: 0
Files on the FTP Server: 1
Number of Emergency Shows: 7
Days until show without media: 0
- Link to Meld the great visual diff and merge tool
#!/usr/bin/env python3
### This is a scratchpad file I've created to try out snippets of code in python
# The script below is for use with Python 3
# This script should work out of the box on most systems running a version of Python 3
# If you happen to have a blinkstick lying about then your can uncomment the blinkstick module
# and uncomment the references at the bottom of the program that call the blinkstick functions
# Regrds, Mr X
# Imported modules
from time import sleep # used to pause program
#from blinkstick import blinkstick # used to control blinkstick nano attached to usb port of raspberry pi
import urllib.request # used to capture hpr webpage content to get the number of HPR shows in the que
import re # regular expressions, used to find sting in HPR webpage (get_hpr_que)
# These functions control a blink stick nano attached to my raspberry pi USB port #################
# They can be ignored or deleted if you don't have one
def bstick_off():
# Search for all attached blinksticks and turn them all off
for bstick in blinkstick.find_all():
bstick.turn_off() # Turn front blinkstick LED off
bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=1, name="black") # Turn rear blinkstick led off
print("Blinkstick: " + bstick.get_serial() + " turned off")
def bstick_on(colour):
# Turn blinkstick on and set led colour to string value stored in var colour
# valid colours are, black, silver, gray, white, maroon, red, purple, fuchsia, green, lime, olive, yellow, navy, blue, teal, aqua
for bstick in blinkstick.find_all():
bstick.set_max_rgb_value(30) # Sets max blinkstick RGB value to 15, makes LED dimm
bstick.set_color(name=colour) # Turn blinkstick on, var colour determines colour
print ("Blinkstick: " + bstick.get_serial() + " | Colour: " + bstick.get_color(color_format="hex") + " [" + colour + "]")
def bstick_on_random():
# Turn blinkstick on colour random
for bstick in blinkstick.find_all():
print ("Blinkstick: " + bstick.get_serial() + " | Colour: " + bstick.get_color(color_format="hex"))
def bstick_blink_red():
# Flash blinkstick colour red
for bstick in blinkstick.find_all():
print ("Blinkstick: " + bstick.get_serial() + " | Colour: " + bstick.get_color(color_format="hex"))
def get_hpr_que_improved():
# Goto hacker public stats page and extract the number of days to next free slot
# turns on blinkstick LED with colour dependent on the number of days to next free slot in HPR queue
url = 'https://hackerpublicradio.org/stats.php' # HPR url for stats page
text = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read() # Try to read hpr stats text
print("ERROR: Problem acessing url " + url) # if error accessing url then return -1
hpr_shows = -1
return hpr_shows
#print(text) # DEBUG
text_page = str(text) # convert text from list to string
line_begin = text_page.find('Days to next free slot:') # find position of string in page
line_end = line_begin + 27 # Store line end position (start position + 27)
line = text_page[line_begin:line_end] # Capture string line
#print(line) # DEBUG Print line string
digit = re.findall(r'\d+',line) # Find digits in line
#print(digit[0]) # DEBUG print the 1st digit
hpr_shows = int(digit[0]) # convert digit list to integer days
except: # If show numbers not found then return -1
print("ERROR: Problem getting number of HPR shows in que.")
hpr_shows = -1
return hpr_shows
if hpr_shows > 9: # If hpr show que > 9 turn on green LED
print("Turn on green blinkstick LED")
elif hpr_shows > 5: # Else if hpr show que > 5 turn on blue LED
print("Turn on blue blinkstick LED")
elif hpr_shows > -1: # Else if hpr show que > -1 turn on ref LED
print("Turn on red blinkstick LED")
print("Flash red blinkstick LED")
#bstick_blink_red() # Else blink LED to show error
print("The are " + str(hpr_shows) + " days to tne next free slot in the HPR que...")
print("Turn off all blinkstick LED's")
#bstick_off() # Turn blinkstick off
# Main program