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hpr2339 :: Podcast list additions

Updates to my list of podcast feeds

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Thumbnail of Dave Morriss
Hosted by Dave Morriss on Thursday, 2017-07-20 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
podcast, feed, recommendation. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:20:55
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Podcast recommendations.

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Podcast list additions

I did two HPR shows 1516 and 1518 in 2014 about the podcast feeds I'm subscribed to. I have made a few additions since then (and a few subtractions) and I thought I'd share a few of the additions.

The list below shows the feed titles. Clicking on them will take you to the full notes where you can examine the details of the feed.

  1. The World of Business
  2. Criminal
  3. Seriously...
  4. Start the Week
  5. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
  6. The Verb
  7. Making It With Jimmy Diresta, Bob Clagett and David Picciuto
  8. Reclaimed Audio Podcast
  9. The Bugcast - Ogg Feed
  10. Open Country
  11. Common Sense with Dan Carlin
  12. Philosophy Bites
  13. All in the Mind
  14. BacterioFiles
  15. podcast (en) – omega tau science & engineering podcast
  16. This Week in Evolution
  17. This Week in Microbiology
  18. Urban Agriculture
  19. Weekly Space Hangout Audio
  20. Edinburgh Skeptics Presents...
  21. Exposing PseudoAstronomy
  22. The Pen Addict
  23. Late Night Linux (Ogg)
  24. systemau - OGG
  25. The Changelog
  26. The Duffercast Ogg
  27. The Full Circle Weekly News
  28. The JaK Attack! podcast



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