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hpr2320 :: Living Computers: Museum + Labs

Free Shell accounts on old Computers with old programing langs

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Hosted by JWP on Friday, 2017-06-23 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
museum, vintage computer. 1.

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Duration: 00:15:38
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From Wikipedia:

Living Computers: Museum + Labs (LCM+L) is a computer and technology museum located in the SoDo neighborhood of Seattle, Washington. LCM+L showcases vintage computers which provide interactive sessions, either through time-sharing operating systems or single-user interfaces. This gives users a chance to actually use the computers on-line or in person in the museum. An expansion adds direct touch experiences with contemporary technologies such as virtual reality, self-driving cars, the internet of things, and robotics. This puts today's computer technology in the context of how it's being used to tackle real-world issues. LCM+L also hosts a wide range of educational programs and events in their state-of-the art classroom and lab spaces.


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-06-23 21:03:08 by Dave Morriss

AWK series/ DEC hardware


Most interesting show. I'd love to visit that museum!

Thanks for the mention of the AWK series here on HPR. I should point out that it's a joint series being produced by b-yeezi and myself. The next episode is in early July.

I was delighted to hear you talk about Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). I spent a good bit of my work life managing a DEC VAXcluster, running OpenVMS. This was the system used by students and staff at the university where I worked. We also had two AlphaServers there later, one running OpenVMS and the other Digital Unix. I thought DEC stuff was great!

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