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hpr2208 :: Kayak Camping

Kayak camping is a really fun (and affordable) way to explore the outdoors and get away.

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Thumbnail of droops
Hosted by droops on Wednesday, 2017-01-18 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
camping, outdoors, kayak, kayaking, boating. 5.

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Duration: 00:25:02
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I talk about my setup for camping out of my kayak and ways to do this for very little money using stuff you already have and getting good cheap gear.

Getting out into nature is my favorite thing and I love going where I will not see others for days at a time.


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-01-19 14:37:42 by Mongo

Camping the right way

I just listened to your excellent podcast on Kayak Camping in Louisiana. You have arrived at the right way of doing it and I enjoyed your story. For me, there is nothing better than waking up in the great outdoors. I tent camped for many years, sometimes from backpack or bicycle, but mostly from the car, and usually with dogs. Cheap gear (mostly), real food, no tech. Thank you for the podcast.

Comment #2 posted on 2017-01-19 17:29:31 by droops


Thanks for your kind comment Mongo.

After listening to the podcast again I left out something. Cheap gear is not the same as bad gear. You want quality gear but to not pay much for it. If I had a $400 tent and an ember burned a hole in it, I would be much more upset than when my $40 tent gets a hole. I try and test everything in my yard before relying on it (tent under a sprinkler) as to not bring worthless gear with me.

This kinda goes along with the more stuff you bring the worse of a time you have. Gear will get dirty and tear and melt and get lost. None of this stuff should be so precious that it ruins your time. Have backups of important things (fire-starting, water filtration, navigation) and just roll with it.

Comment #3 posted on 2017-01-19 17:48:36 by Ken Fallon

Another vacation destination

He just invited us to stay !

Comment #4 posted on 2017-01-19 19:25:01 by droops

Vacation Destination?

Ken you know you are always welcome. Though if you overstay I may just leave you in the woods and come visit sometimes (and bring you batteries so you can keep running HPR like a champ).

Comment #5 posted on 2017-01-20 20:11:49 by Jonathan Kulp

Not a camper

I'm not a camper but you made it sound like it's almost something I might wanna try someday. I definitely want to try kayaking around the waters here in Louisiana but am not sure about the camping bit. BTW I never realized you were in Louisiana. Gimme a holler if you come through Lafayette.

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