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hpr2206 :: Podcasts I Listen To

Current podcasts that I listen to on my Android devices.

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Hosted by Reg A on Monday, 2017-01-16 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
feed, podcast. 3.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:16:07
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Podcast recommendations.

This is an open series where Hacker Public Radio listeners can share and recommend podcasts that they listen to.


  1. SystemAU - Australian Linux Perspective with Music
  2. Accidental Tech Podcast - Apple Computers/Programs
  3. Android Central Podcast - Android Devices
  4. BleedTV Podcast - TV Info
  5. Common Sense with Dan Carlin
  6. Dan Carlin's Hard Core History - History Lessons
  7. Hacker Public Radio
  8. Jalen & Jacoby - ESPN Sports Guys
  9. Last Men on Earth - 2 Dudes Being Crude over Alcohol
  10. Linux Voice - Linux Guys talking Linux
  11. Linux for the Rest of US - Door to Door Geek & Cody Cooper
  12. MintCast - About Linux Mint from the Linux Mint Community
  13. MobileTech Roundup - Kevin Tofel & Mat Miller talking mobile devices
  14. Linux Luddites - Linux Talk From Cranky Dudes
  15. No Agenda - John Dvorak & Adam Curry Deconstruct the News
  16. PTI - Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon Talking Sports
  17. Stuff You Missed in History Class - Short, Concise History Lesson
  18. Talking TV with Ryan & Ryan - 2 TV Critics
  19. Television Zombies - 4 Friends Talking SF and Fantasy TV
  20. TLLTS - The Linux Link Tech Show
  21. The Talk Show with John Gruber - Daring Fireball/Apple Topics
  22. The Tony Kornheiser Show - Sports, Life, Politics, Movies, etc.
  23. TV Campfire Podcasts - TV Bloggers & TV Industry Pros Talking TV
  24. TV Talk Machine w/ Tom Goodman & Jason Snell - TV Industry
  25. TV Times Three - TV Bloggers Talking Up their Favorite Shows
  26. The Ubuntu Podcast - Ubuntu Linux Plus other Distros/Linux Info
  27. I Can't Believe this S*hit - 2 Politically Incorrect Dudes Talking Junk


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-01-17 10:41:34 by pauleb

Update on Linux Luddites

probably you recorded the podcast before the news were out. Linux Luddites, which really was a great show, ended with the new year. But two of the guys went on and started Late Night Linux as a follow up podcast. So to update the list also visit .

And since you put them on your list I think I'll give TLLTS another go. I couldn't really get into them the first time I tried.

best wishes and thanks for all the content!


Comment #2 posted on 2017-01-18 03:18:33 by reg a

Linux Luddites Update Info

Thanks pauleb.
I had not listened to the last 2 Luddites podcasts when I submitted my list.

Thanks for the info,

Reg A

Comment #3 posted on 2017-03-06 17:36:34 by Bookewyrmm

thanks and sorry


Thanks for the good show(s)! I had been looking for a podcast manager for my android phone and tried Podkicker! I am currently using the free version, and have been using it since about a week after your show aired.I have every intention of supporting the developer and buying the paid version! What a great little app!

I will also be checking out some of the podcasts you mentioned!

The sorry is for my taking so long to reply.

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