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Comment #1 posted on 2016-12-28 06:02:30 by Ken Fallon

HPR About Page

(This is a repost of the comment I made to the other discussions. As this show was posted before I made those comments it is still valid.

Right now we have a "Call for shows" open.)

Hi All,

This ongoing discussion shows me that some of you are new to our community and are not up to speed with what HPR is all about. That's absolutely fine as we are all busy, so I have recorded a show hpr2195 ( See where we read the about page and the "stuff you need to know" page

I would consider it a personal favour if everyone would take a timeout for a while, and focus on recording shows that "are of interest to hackers".



Comment #2 posted on 2016-12-28 09:58:50 by Mike Ray


Nobody commented on your 'good' or 'clean' podcast but the swearing resulted in a tidal wave of comment. When was the last time you switched on the TV news and had to listen to the news reader telling you everything that had not happened that day?

Censorship. It is childish and naive to suggest there should never be any censorship. Would you expect a podcast about how best to kill the greatest number of innocent public going about their legitimate business to be censored? How about a podcast extolling the virtues of the sexual exploitation of minors? Since you mentioned animals and harming them, seemingly in the name of a carnivorous lifestyle, how about a podcast about the best way to kill food animals without having to bother about pain reduction?

Noise. I would be just as likely to switch off a podcast in which every other word was 'awesome' as one in which every other word was f***(ing). Nothing you or I can do with Linux is awesome. Black holes are awesome, as are huge storms, supernovae, solar coronal mass ejections, the size of the universe etc., but not Linux. That's just noise, like unnecessary expletives.

Today's podcast was good and worth listening to. Congratullations

Comment #3 posted on 2016-12-28 22:25:16 by Matthew Jones


Does it matter how much this kid says fuck? The podcast was flagged as explicit?

Comment #4 posted on 2017-01-04 07:31:50 by AConcernedListener

Say what ever you want the way you want.

It is complete bullshit that people get offended over /words/ which are a part of the culture we are all occupying. As spaceman said, ACTIONS speak louder. I for one do not back censorship,and am quite concerned that any in this community would bow to the facists who /desire/ censorship.

Comment #5 posted on 2017-01-06 00:04:49 by gws

no such thing as knowledge transfer

Sure, there's no One True Method for teaching; there's no one single style of learning. The point is not that you're out of order, it's that you're going to alienate your audience.

If show response is stochastic, then try not to become a statistic!

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