hpr2186 :: Baking Yule Bread
'Tis the season and Inscius is baking Yule bread, Swedish style.
Hosted by Inscius on Monday, 2016-12-19 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Christmas, cooking.
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Duration: 00:17:55
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Cooking techniques, recipes, recommendations and cooking equipment
- Yule
- Scalded whole rye flour.
- Dried bitter orange - 2 pieces, i.e. about half of the peel from one bitter orange.
- Porter
- Wort
- Syrup/Treacle
- Cloves
- Cardamom
- Raisins
- Salt
- Ginger
- Yeast
- Dinkel/Spelt
- Cinnamon powder
- Baking trays and bread pans.
Dough after rising one hour:
Loaves after rising:
Finished bread (photo from another occasion):
Recording device: Zoom H2n