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hpr2183 :: Data Privacy: Farlands or bust

Conversation in response to comments about my last Episode called "Google It"

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Thumbnail of Bill "NFMZ1" Miller
Hosted by Bill "NFMZ1" Miller on Wednesday, 2016-12-14 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Google. 1.

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Duration: 00:14:55
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Thanks to everyone for the emails and the opinion on the "Google It" episode.

I received a lot of emails and comments on my first episode. No one stated they disagreed with me on the opinion I was expressing but changed the conversation to be about their own privacy issues they have with Google's practices.

I wasn't dismissing those who feel Google overreaches in the privacy department. I was stating the fact that they are a very successful company DESPITE a lot of Tech writers and podcasters out here stating they aren't. You can argue the privacy points all you want but the fact is all I was stating was they are successful.

So with that said I weigh in on Privacy and how I see it. Disagree? let me know!

People I mentioned in the podcast:


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Comment #1 posted on 2016-12-16 00:50:28 by b-yeezi

I have to disagree

Hey there Bill,

Great episode. I think you make some good points, but I have to disagree with you on a few things. I don't want to spend too much time going into it, but in general, I don't agree with the notion that just because the you can't expect to have total privacy on the internet, and that so many companies ask for so much of your information, that we as consumers should just throw our hands up in mercy and say "take it all".

We should be able to make informed decisions about exactly what and with whom information is shared. Many people, myself included, don't necessarily disagree with sharing some of this data, but huge EULA's and Privacy Agreements that Google and the like create make the transaction of information for services almost impossible to understand. Also, the closed source nature of their products do not allow users or experts the ability to validate the claims made in the aforementioned agreements.

In summary, I do not object to Google or any other company making the consumer the product. I just wish they were more forthcoming with their business practices, and therefore am selective on which services I choose to use.

It does make a thought-provoking conversation, so thanks for that!

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