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hpr2177 :: Knowledge Interconnection, the thai express hack

learn things that empowers you and interconnects with other of your knowledge

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Thumbnail of spaceman
Hosted by spaceman on Tuesday, 2016-12-06 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
vegan food, recycling, hacking. 10.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:07:04
Download the transcription and subtitles.


you can practice programming AFK, and hacking at the same time; doing problem solving on other things can be quite fun; and can seriously enhance your life;

happy hacking;


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Comment #1 posted on 2016-12-06 01:25:59 by Clinton Roy

This seemed..overly sweary for my tastes. And I'm a sweary Australian..

Comment #2 posted on 2016-12-06 12:42:42 by ShortFatBaldGuy

Clinton Roy beat me to this. I'm no prude, and drop the f-bomb as much as anyone, express yourself however you like. But as a helpful hint from your Uncle Larry, in a forum where the primary purpose is knowledge transfer, your colorful language only decreases your SNR and causes many to discount your message, perhaps completely.

Comment #3 posted on 2016-12-06 13:42:29 by Ken Fallon

This show is correctly flagged as Explicit

This show is flagged as EXPLICIT and therefore conforms to the HPR policy as detailed here:

Comment #4 posted on 2016-12-06 15:50:24 by ShortFatBaldGuy

Ken - I'm not complaining about HPR (far from it!) or faulting you or the podcast for anything. I don't see the tags the way I navigate via my phone, so that is good to know. I also don't care that much about the specific language per se in most settings. My main point was that to me it seems out of place in what is primarily a knowledge transfer setting. Thx - Scott

Comment #5 posted on 2016-12-06 18:44:43 by Ken Fallon

Tags are not visable

My comment got truncated. (I hate this comment system).

Your show will be signalled as containing explicit content

Given that we are an open forum for free speech we signal all our shows as "explicit" with the assumption that the listeners will apply the required discretion when playing the shows in public. The fact is that the majority of our content is technical in nature and therefore is often considered appropriate for any audience. If you feel that your show will be considered inoffensive in every region of the world then you can signal that when you upload the show.

When dealing with content that is "explicit" or contains material that would best be suited for a mature audience, it has become traditional to include a short warning at the very beginning of the show before the intro, to allow listeners time to switch off the episode should they so desire.

All feeds support the option to have the option "explicit=0" appended to the end and it will display content marked as "Clean" by our hosts

Any changes to this policy can and should be discussed on the Mail List.

Comment #6 posted on 2016-12-06 18:52:16 by Ken Fallon

Complaints are welcome

Hi Hi ShortFatBaldGuy,

You are completely within in your right to bring this up. As one of the HPR Janitors, I am just pointing out what the current policy is.

The only place that the explicit tag is signalled is in the RSS feed itself, it is up to the podcatcher to do something with it.

We could include an icon or some text in the description to show what the host has put for the explicit tag. That would need to be requested on the mail list, but be prepared for some lively discussion on the topic :)

In the role of HPR Janitor.

Comment #7 posted on 2016-12-07 19:38:18 by Ken Fallon

Site and Feeds updated

I have updated the site and feeds to clearly display if a show is flagged as "Clean" or "Explicit".

Future shows will also have that added to the media tags and in the text to speech.

take it away Mr. Blinkey

Comment #8 posted on 2016-12-08 15:40:26 by Cheeto4493

Add explicit to title?

Is it possible to add explicit to the title? I normally don't even look at the Tags.

Comment #9 posted on 2016-12-08 17:16:53 by Ken Fallon Janitor

Technically yes

It is technically possible but you should bring this to the attention of the mailing list.

Ken as HPR Janitor

Comment #10 posted on 2016-12-08 17:31:46 by Ken Fallon Host 30

I object

Hi All,

Speaking as a HPR community member I strongly and most emphatically object to this suggestion.

This is the post I made the last time this was discussed and my feelings on the topic have not changed.

NSFW: WARNING Link contains EXPLICIT material.
NSFW: WARNING Link contains EXPLICIT material.

I lost that battle then, as we now have the explicit tag, but I feel the janitors have already implemented the requirements as to the explicit tag.

Further discussion now requires it to be carried out on the mail list so the entire community can participate.


Ken as a normal host and community member.

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