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hpr2138 :: Hack the Box with Bandit

NYbill talks about a Linux 'War Game' called Bandit.

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Hosted by NYbill on Wednesday, 2016-10-12 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Linux, wargame, Bandit. 1.

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Duration: 00:14:53
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NYbill talks about a Linux ‘War Game’ called Bandit.


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Comment #1 posted on 2016-10-25 06:29:02 by Krayon

Good fun!


Thanks for the episode, I always love these little games. This one is indeed
focused at beginners but can still be a bit of fun.

I only just started trying it out so I'm only up to level 16. Haven't come
across any challenge yet except the constant password typing :P

I created an extremely over-engineered lil' bashrc to ease typing a bit. With
it, once you've got the password, you simply type:

And then paste the password.

It copies itself each level to ensure only people of your level can screw with
your stuff and to give you a working directory if you need one.

One need only (as bandit0) choose a base name for the directories (CHANGE_ME
here) and create the directory /tmp/CHANGE_ME.bandit0/ and the file
/tmp/CHANGE_ME.bandit0/.bashrc, containing:

set -o vi

echo "Setting aliases"
alias rot13='tr "[a-mn-zA-MN-Z]" "[n-za-mN-ZA-M]"'

# In bash >= 3, BASH_SOURCE will tell us who we are


last="$((${curr} - 1))"
next="$((${curr} + 1))"



# Create this file as the new user
[ ! -d "${wd}" ] && {
cp -a "${dlast}" "${wd}" && echo "Created ${wd}"

unset medir base game curr last next dlast

echo "Working Directory: \$wd == ${wd}"

function sshnext() {
global wd unext

ssh -t \
-o "UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null" \
-o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" \
${unext}@localhost \
bash --rcfile "${wd}/.bashrc" \

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