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hpr2129 :: Gnu Awk - Part 2

We examine how Awk works, records and fields, printing and program files

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Thumbnail of Dave Morriss
Hosted by Dave Morriss on Thursday, 2016-09-29 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Awk utility, Awk language, gawk, text manipulation. 2.

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Duration: 00:26:38
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Learning Awk.

Episodes about using Awk, the text manipulation language. It comes in various forms called awk, nawk, mawk and gawk, but the standard version on Linux is GNU Awk (gawk). It's a programming language optimised for the manipulation of delimited text.

Gnu Awk - Part 2

This is the second episode in a series where b-yeezi and I will be looking at the AWK language (more particularly its GNU variant gawk). It is a comprehensive interpreted scripting language designed to be used for manipulating text.

I have written out a moderately long set of notes for this episode. Click the link to see them.


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Comment #1 posted on 2016-09-29 16:24:45 by alpha32


mr. morriss, your series on awk, sed, etc. are brilliant. And a bit dense, i'm going to have to come back to these with a notebook and more time. Are you also publishing a manual or textbook to go along with this? Wouldn't be a terrible idea... Thanks for your excellent work.

Comment #2 posted on 2016-09-29 19:41:23 by Dave Morriss

Re: textbook?

Hi alpha32,

Thanks for the compliments. I'm sharing the awk series with b-yeezi this time since we're both keen to talk about it.

You'll have noticed that I like writing long detailed notes. I got into the habit of writing explanations of things when I started working in IT and kept a journal of stuff I'd learnt. It probably followed on from my science education where we were encouraged to keep a lab book of what we'd observed.

Soon after I started running an adult evening class in Pascal, and wrote a series of handouts for my students that grew into a textbook at the end of the course. It was intended as a resource that they could refer to and learn from outside the classes.

The workflow I use to generate show notes (producing HTML from Markdown) allows me to turn on an ePub generation stage. I tried it out for some HPR episodes but wasn't happy with the results. I could look at improving this if anyone is interested and could recreate ePub format notes for the sed series for example. It's not a textbook as such but should be a comprehensive set of notes about the episodes that could be read on a PC or tablet.

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