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hpr2103 :: DIY Book Binding

With no shows in the queue, Ken rushes in a show on his latest hacks

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on Wednesday, 2016-08-24 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
book binding, comb binding, jig saw, wood clamp. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:10:36
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I love books, dislike technology when reading about technology, so what to do when the only available option is a pdf or ebook format ?

With a hpr1480 :: Continuous Ink Supply System and 500 pages of A4 paper costing just €3, the option to print out books at home is not only possible but down right affordable. Even more so when when printing booklet format of 4 pages per physical sheet of paper.

Small books of around 100 pages/25 sheets and a long arm stapler works fine, of larger sizes you can get a Comb binding machine but I dislike the sound and feel of these solutions

My solution, a Jig Saw, some wood clamps, PVC Plumbers Glue, and some drywall/plaster board tape (pdf)

Clamping the book and cut in half with a Jig Saw
Clamping the book and cut in half with a Jig Saw.

Clamp both halves together, aligning them together on their uncut edge, and trim the cut edges to give a clean cut
Clamp both halves together, aligning them together on their uncut edge, and trim the cut edges to give a clean cut.

Builders supply stores and DIY shops carry the tape and glue
Builders supply stores and DIY shops carry the tape and glue.

Glue and tape repeatedly and allow to dry
Now apply a liberal amount of glue to the cut edge, apply the tape and let it dry for 30 minutes. Then apply another layer of glue and fold down the excess tape. Apply at least two more applications of glue.


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