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hpr2088 :: How my wife's grandma got me into linux.

Knightwise tells us how his wife's 80 year old grandmother got him into Linux.

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Hosted by knightwise on Wednesday, 2016-08-03 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
linux, ubuntu, suse, mandriva. 4.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:33:21
Download the transcription and subtitles.

How I got into tech.

Started by monsterb, this series invites people to share with us how they found Linux. It has become traditional for first time hosts to share with us their journey to Linux. Indeed it has morphed to be way to share your journey in tech right up to your first contribution to HPR.

Knightwise talks about how he got into Linux.

From the early beginnings where I dabbled in Suse to the present day where I run my company on Linux, I tell you the story of how I got into Linux .. And how my wife’s 80 year old grandma got me into Linux permanently.


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Comment #1 posted on 2016-08-03 12:54:32 by Tony Hughes

HPR 2088

Hi Knightwise really loved this show your experience with Linux goes a bit further back than mine I only took the plunge when Ubuntu came on the scene and I started to use it to Freecycle old kit here in the UK. I was so impressed with the reactions of those receiving the freely given PC's that I started to use Linux on my own box and have been Linux only since 2009 First with Ubuntu and then Mint. I have just upgraded to Mint 18 and so far it looks quite stable.

Comment #2 posted on 2016-08-03 21:13:26 by Steve

HPR 2088

Great story and well told.

Comment #3 posted on 2016-08-04 11:20:25 by knightwise

Yeey Steve !

Hey Steve :) Very happy to hear that you found the show entertaining. I hope you have a lot of fun using linux, I think its even MORE fun if you can do it on hardware that other people have discarded. Gives you geek creds !

Comment #4 posted on 2016-08-24 10:02:53 by other_Steve

wish i could grasp this stuff. i hated computers and computing growing up but didnt understand the importance of oncoming onslaught of the computer age.presently 10 -15 yrs hunting and pecking and have tried to learn but, also have low iq, so im pretty much locked out of any hope of ever learning on my own..anywho thats my problem ! lstening as im typing,and the girlfriend and Prof Dad story is very cool. ty

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