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hpr2076 :: What Magazines I read Part 1

This is a short episode about the Magazines I read that may be of interest to other listeners

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Hosted by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212 on Monday, 2016-07-18 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Magazine, Linux, Computing. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:05:00
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Magazines I Read

Hi This is Tony Hughes for Hacker Public Radio, I'm trying to do a show once a month or so and I was thinking of ideas that might be of interest to the listeners out there.

While there are regular shows on 'What's on my pod-catcher' I've never heard one about what magazines that people in the HPR community like to read. With the advent of digital media and subscription services such as Issuu, Magzter, Google Play Newsstand and I'm sure many others which offer both Free and subscription content I'm sure many of you like me have quite a number of magazines you regularly read, and some you dip in to from time to time. So this show is about the Magazines I like to read.

First I'd like to say that to facilitate regularly reading of digital media I feel for me a 10" tablet is the smallest format for comfortable reading (although for those of you with young enough eyesight to be able to read small fonts with no difficulty you may feel different). However my Tablet of choice is the 12" Samsung SM-P900 which I purchased in February 2015. My only gripe with this tablet is I'll probably never get Android 6 on it as it's now over 2 years since original release. While I agree with Apple that the 4:3 screen configuration for reading on a tablet is more user friendly I can not bring myself to spend that kind of money or be tied to the Apple ecosystem.

So what Magazines do I actually read?

  • Linux Voice ( This is a Linux magazine that was set up a couple of years ago by some of the former editorial team from Linux Format after a successful Kick Starter Campaign. Good content for and about Linux and the Linux community and they support the community by distributing 50% of their annual profits back to the Open Source Community after a ballot of readers. They also release issues of the magazine with a creative commons licence 9 months after publication. This is the only magazine I currently have a Paper subscription to (it also comes with a free DRM free PDF copy for subscribers)

  • Linux Format ( Similar in content to Linux Voice but without quite the same community philosophy, but still a very good publication.

  • MicroMart ( This is a more general computer magazine that started in 1985, as a place you could buy and sell computers and components but is now more of a regular weekly magazine format with news, reviews and articles about all things computer and technology related. As I said in my Journey to Linux show this was the Magazine that introduced me to Linux in the late 90's early 00's. They still have a weekly Linux page and regular Raspberry Pi and other Linux related content.

  • MagpPi ( This is the official Monthly magazine of the Raspberry Pi Community and as you will have worked out is focused on all things Raspberry Pi. Lots of Good content including: News, tutorials, and reviews of new peripherals for the Pi, and since being brought in house by the foundation it has a very professional look and feel about it. All the content is provided by members of the Raspberry Pi Community both from inside, and outside the Foundation. You can get a free Creative commons PDF from the website or to support the foundation you can subscribe to both Print and digital copies if you wish to.

  • Full Circle Magazine ( This is a completely community driven magazine for all things related to Ubuntu Linux and its derivatives. They carry news of what is happening in the World of Ubuntu and articles and tutorials of how to use Linux software for both the beginner and more experienced users. This is a Creative Commons and can be downloaded free from the website in both PDF and e-book formats.

  • PCLinuxOS Magazine ( This is another community driven magazine from The PCLinuxOS community and is similar to Full Circle in its content, with the aim of helping users of this distro to get the most out of it they can. Also available as a free Creative Commons PDF download from their website.


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