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hpr2074 :: Experience With A Neighborhood Cat

A show about a cat. Warning. Repeat. Warning. Contains content that will be disturbing to some.

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Thumbnail of brian
Hosted by brian on Thursday, 2016-07-14 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
cat, compassion, death, medical, hospice, friend, pet, life. 3.

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Duration: 00:15:15
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An old friend comes home...


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Comment #1 posted on 2016-07-14 16:10:01 by Ken Fallon

This show is of interest to hackers

Dont be afraid to share more.


Comment #2 posted on 2016-07-16 00:44:59 by Frank

A tale of kindness, gentleness, and truth, especially the truth that we must accept death as being as much a part of life as birth.

This caused me to remember an experience we once had, though the end was happier.

My new wife and I were going away to visit my parents over Thanksgiving, which is at the end of November in the States, and her younger sister was watching the house; sister allowed the cat to escape. Understand the cat was declawed was most decidedly not an outside cat.

The cat did not come back.

Later on, in the spring, across the street neighbor called me over and there was Mittens, curled up next to his chimney, a shadow of her former self. When I brought her back in side, new wife shrieked and ran away, the poor thing looked so bad. The happy ending is that she (the cat) fully recovered and lived long enough to tame the Labrador we got several years later.

Comment #3 posted on 2016-10-08 15:02:26 by Another Frank


I usually listen to podcasts late in bed (basically to relax the eyes and eventually fall asleep). This one almost brought a tear to my eye when your tale came to the point of departure.

I grew up with quite some cats and from those, two actually grew old in our household, the last one was blind for her last 1½ or 2 years. She was mostly outside, mind you. Poor thing.

Cats can be very sociable. They feel when you're ill and there's even been a story of a retirement home cat in England that sensed when a person was dying. Then, it went to that person's room, sat on the bed and spent cosy company until it was all over.

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