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hpr2053 :: My 2nd HPR Beer Podcast

Describing the taste of beers I've tried

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Hosted by JustMe on Wednesday, 2016-06-15 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
beer tasting. 1.

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Duration: 00:02:12
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Hi everyone,

It's MeToo here again recording for HPR with a follow on beer tasting podcast. Let me first apologize for the audio quality of this and the next eleven beer podcasts. They were all recorded live on my phone in the Nobody Knows Bar, so there is a bit of a background noise. I just hope it's not too distracting.

The following twelve beer podcasts were recorded over a period of several months. A couple of them, even though they were recorded at the same "sitting", I've chosen to break up into several podcasts, just so as to add more podcasts to HPR.

In a few cases, it's obvious that I get a little tongue tied. Please forgive me. I normally tend to just have one beer per sitting, but the beer is so good and I'm with friends, and as such have had more than one per sitting at those times.

But enough of the explanations and apologies. Let's get on to the heart of the podcast: my impressions of several beers.

One more thing before we start. The beer in this podcast is Old Foghorn. I mislabeled it in the recording as Old Fog.

hand holding beer

[Audio from pre-recorded report]

Well. there you have it. Not one of my better recordings. But I hope you liked it nonetheless.

So, this is MeToo here signing out until next time, wishing you happy trails and happy beers.


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Comment #1 posted on 2016-06-18 02:53:18 by FiftyOneFifty

Good choice, literally my favorite mass produced bottled beer, I reviewed it back in the old Podbrewers days. I don't see it often here, and it's kinda spendy when it is.

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