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hpr1997 :: Introduction to sed - part 3

Looking at some more sed commands than just s

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Thumbnail of Dave Morriss
Hosted by Dave Morriss on Tuesday, 2016-03-29 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
sed, stream editor, line address, regular expression, edit command. 2.

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Duration: 01:03:48
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Learning sed.

Episodes about using sed, the Stream Editor. It's a non-interactive editor which you can use to make simple changes to data, which is how many people use it. However, sed also has a lot of hidden power, especially in the GNU version.

Introduction to sed - part 3

In the last episode we looked at sed at a more advanced level. We looked at all of the command-line options which we will cover in this series and examined the s command in much more detail. We covered many more details of regular expressions.

In this episode we will look at more sed commands and how to use them.

To read the rest of the notes for this episode follow this link.


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Comment #1 posted on 2016-03-29 01:35:39 by Mike Ray

Knockout Episode

Well done Dave. This is a knockout episode. Contains a lot of the more obscure stuff in sed that is really useful and hard to find examples of online.

I personally like you reading out the command-line examples as I can make a mental note of what strings to search for in your show notes to refer back later.

I've used sed for years but it is an inexhaustible subject.

Looking forward to the awk series, never having really got my head round awk :-p

Comment #2 posted on 2016-03-29 13:20:02 by Dave Morriss

Careful what you wish for!

Thanks Mike, you're very kind.

I too have used sed for many years, but I always ignored much of the weird and wonderful stuff it's capable of and made do with the 's' command and a few others like 'd' and 'q', as well as line addressing. In doing this series, I'm at last learning how to do some more sophisticated things with sed, so it's fun to do.

Episode 4 is finished and waiting to be posted, and episode 5 (the really deeply weird stuff) is in production. I'm trying to explain some of the examples in the GNU sed manual in 5, but I'll have to understand them myself first!

Yes, I'd quite like to do a series on awk, and will if I can.

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